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Hey guys, my name is Kristye. I am new to this site and I really hope that things on here will work great for me. I plan to be really involved with the site to maximize my success. I am 23, I have well over 100 pounds I would like to eventually lose, and I have no home support. I know that I can do this on my own, and I really hope that I don't just walk away after I have lost a couple pounds like I have done on other websites and weight loss programs. I want and need to stay motivated. I am a part time waitress, and that has seemed to help keep me on my feet. I do alot of home exercises and exercise videos. I own the set of Dancing off the Inches including the cute little salsa bars. I plan and hope to get way more acquainted with that program than I have been. I hope to find some good support on here. I always return the favor :)


  • 1fatlady_no8
    hi Kristye im new here too :)

    im in this for the long haul coz ive got so much weight to lose - about 4 stone (56lb) maybe we could support each other :)
