Dieting makes me moody...can anyone relate?

I am new to the message boards, this is my first post. I was just kindof wondering if anyone else gets really angry when they start cutting back on the foods they eat. I feel like I am going crazy and am terribly moody to the point where I actually feel sorry for my husband and aside from maybe PMSing a little I can only attribute it from not being able to eat what I want all the time. I know that I have a problem with comfort eating but I am more so wondering if anyone else out there feels like this ever.


  • JenneMorris
    I am new to the message boards, this is my first post. I was just kindof wondering if anyone else gets really angry when they start cutting back on the foods they eat. I feel like I am going crazy and am terribly moody to the point where I actually feel sorry for my husband and aside from maybe PMSing a little I can only attribute it from not being able to eat what I want all the time. I know that I have a problem with comfort eating but I am more so wondering if anyone else out there feels like this ever.
  • Nili144
    Nili144 Posts: 1
    Yes! Today I got into a fight with my mother - recently, little things just set me off. But, do you know what always puts me in a better mood? After I come back the gym (30 min circut) I feel much better, & more relaxed. Doing exercise gets my mind off things. By the time I come back, I feel alive & more energized. Maybe you should try taking walks or something.
  • ethmcd50
    ethmcd50 Posts: 3
    Yes I agree with Nili. Nothing like a good workout to take your mind off food! Plus I don't feel hungry afterward, my body feels tighter, and I don't have the urge to fill it. I also find that eating smaller meals throughout the day (i.e. 5-6) keeps the hunger away. I love comfort food, but try to keep it to a minimum by thinking that most of it will convert to sugar anyway (like rice, potatoes, all the white stuff). I've loved these foods for pushing 50...but for me it's time to keep these foods to a minimum.
  • sierrasummer
    good lordy lordy! I am the same way, when I get hungry look out! Im moody and impossible to please :mad: until I eat. I feel for my family really, I try to snack that way I don't get as hungry but it's not the same as eating a good dinner or meal. don't worry your not the only one, and my husband can vouch for that. I wonder why that is though?
  • JenneMorris
    It makes me feel better to know you are experiencing the same thing sierra. Someone in another forum where I posted my message suggested that it may be a kind of grieving process when trying to let go of the foods that brought us comfort and in my case a kind of happiness for so long. Makes sense to me so maybe it will be a matter of "letting go" of the old ways to be happy with dieting. Maybe.
    Thanks for everyone's support!!
  • tinamommy727
    tinamommy727 Posts: 113 Member
    I can relate, when i started cutting back on sugar, I was like a monster until my body got used to it. I heard that saint john's wort helps with the moodiness of dieting, I think i'm going to try it.