Do you have a timetable for workouts or do them whenever?

I keep making new timetables for myself to motivate myself to workout but i never stick to them, in case im doing something that night cant and fit it in, or if i don't fancy the exercise ive wrote down, or im too tired from work etc. I put myself off by pressuring myself to exercise. I exercise way more when i don't have a timetable, i just like to be organized but it works better for me when i exercise whenever i want i actually want to exercise more often that way :)


  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    i need routine. i was doing my thing immediately after coming home from work, but when I started p90x, I moved to morning workouts.

    without structure, I'll blow it
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I stay pretty structured, when I was going to the gym, I would do it immediately after work. Normally now I do it a few hours after getting home and before I eat dinner. I would love to switch to morning workouts, but dragging my butt out of bed at 5am just hasn't happened yet.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    i do mine from 4am to 7am, it is the first thing on my list to do, then it is done and out of the way, it is a must do for me!
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I stick to a set weekly routine designed to make sure I am rested before the two yoga classes I take per week.

    So Monday I train strength because on Wednesday I have a Yoga class so I need Tuesday to rest relatively. Then I train strength on Thursday the day after yoga because my next Yoga class is Saturday and need Friday to rest. That enables two strength days per week strategically placed around my yoga classes where I want to be completely rested for the demands ahead.

    On Mondays and Thursdays I also do a cardio run of 30-45 minutes in the day or I may go for a swim as an alternative.

    On Tuesdays and Fridays, the days before yoga, I do my own home yoga training and work on any areas I want to focus on - might be hand balancing, spinal twists, whatever.

    If I feel I want another strength day in the week I will place it at Saturday afternoon after the morning yoga class and will change it up a bit with kettlebells, rope jumping, push-ups and pull-ups for something more raw and work outside in daylight.

    So - that's my week. It has to be rigid to work around my needs and focus.
  • For me, too much restriction is a barrier to me actually getting out there and moving. I swear I rebel against strict timetables and then I get cranky and downhearted. Currently I am doing a half marathon training program plus my usual dog walking.

    I like to run four shorter runs (but I can drop one if I am busy with uni) and one long run. The long run is scheduled for either Tuesday/Wednesday and the shorter runs are Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday or even Tuesday. This way I can get in early and get my runs done, but if I miss a day because I am busy with uni or social engagement or I'm sore, it is no big deal if I miss a day. It's not set in stone. Thursday is usually a rest day (and my 'Sunday', weird work schedule). Dog walking just happens - it's a long formed habit, so I don't really count it.

    This little bit of flexibility has really helped me mentally I think. I'm lucky that my chosen sport/activity just requires me to put on some shoes and walk out the door. Sometimes I'll drive to a new spot with nice scenery for my longer runs though.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I typically work out first thing in the AM, but some days I just don't feel like it. On those days, I grab what I refer to as my "gym in a bag" (a suspension trainer, a jump rope, a tub of pre-workout supplement, and some workout clothes in a small drawstring bag) and I put it in my backpack with the rest of my belongings and a tub of pre-workout supplement. I then simply, if at any point throughout the day feel like doing it then, I just . . do. Find a place to change, fill my shaker cup up with water & pre workout, hook the suspension trainer up to something (could be a basketball hoop or swingset at a local park, a fence, whatever), and just . .go at it.
  • I love getting my workout done before work. I used to be a snooze button person for many, many, many years :smile: Not any more! That way it doesn't matter what comes up later in the day, I've done the deed!
  • Brian_VA
    Brian_VA Posts: 125
    After a workout, I make a mental appointment for the next one. It's the only exercise date I need to remember.
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    I squeeze it in whenever I have time. I have a toddler and work a couple days a week. Also have horses that need worked on a regular basis. My life is organized chaos. I've been known to work out at 11PM because it's the first time I have to myself for the day. I'd just get frustrated if I tried to workout at a certain time because it would never happen.
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    Routine = success
  • Excuses.

    I hear ya and I used to be the same way. I would make a routine and wouldnt follow it because of xyz. Then I made a plan to do them whenever and I would make excuses then too.

    Now I have a set amount of calories I want to burn a day and no matter what I burn them. If I want results I have to meet those goals. No excuses.

    And I dont mean to be rude.