Workplace Sweets and the Holidays

I have a sweet tooth. It's been pretty much in check for a while but the train can come off of the tracks pretty badly around the holidays. Work is particularly bad because clients are always sending our company thank you baskets of chocolate and other sweets. I can pass by about 5 baskets of chocolates on a walk from my office to the bathroom. My goal is to try and limit myself to 5 pieces of chocolate a week MAX! By the way, one of my clients sent me an entire box of chocolates as a thank you for some work that I did. It's going to be a LONG holiday season. :grumble:


  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    i know this might sound crazy at first, but if someone gives you a box of chocolates or cake or whatever food that is off your plan then throw it in the trash.....

    you dont need to eat it, in fact you do not want to eat it so why set yourself up for failiure by keeping stuff like that around...

    if you cant dump it, then give it away to someone else...
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    We have charity boxes of chocolates at every corner and my daily "fun size" Boost bar is a highlight of the day.

    I stick to the one though.

    They also provide free fruit twice a week, which is a nice counter-balance.

    I find the catered lunches/morning teas worse than chocolate temptation, very easy to overdo the sandwiches, etc.

    Solution for the chocolate box ... share them, you get thinner and more popular and everyone is a winner :)