eat to reduce body fat.



  • BigdaddyJ
    i eat a lot of egg whites, you can buy them in cartons (like a mini milk carton) high proteins, low cal. Dont be afraid to eat a BIG breakfast, I easily go 5-600 calories and i'm here too loose weight, I think you could go all the way to 800. You have the rest of the day to burn them off anyway, compared to supper where you only have a few hours..

    Nuts are also a quick way to get your proteins, I usually eat 1/2 a cup of trail mix with a biox protein shake after a work out, that's 540 calories right there and around 50g of proteins.

    Trail mix is my fail safe food to reach my calorie goals, when I see i'm gonna be low at the end of the day , I'll eat enough nuts to bring me up there. Just be careful not to buy salted ones, too much sodium will make you retain water.

    Snack a lot, for body building i'd go at least 6 meals a day (breakfast-snack-lunch-snack-supper-snack). 2-3 hours between meals, try to time your workouts so you'll have your snack right after, that way you can incorporate your proteins and carbs in that meal, wich will help you recuperate faster. Also try to eat some fruits and vegetables (an easy trick, mix as many colours as you can) in the meal you have BEFORE training, this will give you more energy to have a better training session.

    If you follow all of that, I think you'll be pleasently suprised by how much more energy you'll have all along the day!

    Good luck!

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I eat a lot of eggs. Please don't shun the yolk. It has a lot of nutrients in it and protein as well. Boil or poach so the yellow is not broken for the best benefit.

    Try salmon filets or scrambled salmon for breakfast as well as sardines if you can tolerate them.
  • BigdaddyJ
    yeah It's true about the eggs, as a matter of fact, after looking up my diary, i found out that I barely have any colesterol intake now (main reson people trow away the yolk is hte hight colesterol) So I had eggs over easy this morning and will from now on, it was some good!!

    The salmon is a great Idea, a good way to get the leftovers our of the frige!
  • jquintinjr
    here is what im going to try

    6 meals

    here goes

    meal one- 1/2cup egg white 60cal 12g of protein
    -2 slices light wheat toast 80cal 5g of protein
    -fat free american cheese slice 25cal 4g protein
    2 more slices of light wheat toast 80 cal 5g protein
    2tbspn of fat free cream cheese 30cal 4g protein
    it all equals 275 cal, 30g of protein
    and ill wash it down with 2scoops of chocolate EAS protein powder 240cal and 46g of protein
    in the end its 515cal and 76gof protein...i think
  • BigdaddyJ
    dont be afraid to trow some fruits in the mix,
    Another good breakfast idea is a smooty, you can have your fruits, cereals, eggs, yogurt and protein in there!