One Week Down!

nmh20 Posts: 51 Member
My name is Nathan and my first week of MFP is done! I am a 22 year old masters student and have been struggling with weight for a few years now. I came to college at like 185 pounds and in pretty good physical condition. I played multiple sports in high school, practiced for those sports every day and could eat anything I wanted and not gain a pound. When I got to college I continued eating whatever I wanted, starting drinking more frequently, and stopped working out so much. 4.5 years after high school I am now 235 pounds, and much slower and less athletic than I once was. After a week of using the MFP app, I have identified more specifically what my caloric issues are.

1. Drinking my calories. I very seldom drink water. I have something of an addiction to Mountain Dew and I drink 2-3 of them per day. When I am not drinking Mt. Dew or soda of another kind, I normally drink milk. I always thought that milk was super healthy for you but it is packed full of calories. I also drink way too much alcohol. I had no idea how many calories were in a shot of liquor or a beer before I started counting my calories, it is quite depressing.

My plan for attacking this is trying to drink nothing but bottled water and iced tea. I bought some diet soda for the times when I absolutely must have carbonation (and caffeine) but I am trying to cut pop out all together. I am also trying to stop drinking milk all together as well. I was drinking 1% before which I thought was fine, but I was drinking multiple 32oz glasses per day which is just ridiculous.

2. Eating out. I have been eating out (often fast food) at least 3-4 times per week over the last couple of years. Not only has this been incredibly expensive, but has killed my weight and figure.

I plan on trying to eat out one time (or less) per week. Also, when going somewhere to eat, I want to try and be more mindful of what I am ordering and not just order whatever is the biggest portion.

3. Cheese. I am that guy who would prefer to have cheese on absolutely everything. There really aren't any non-dessert foods that I won't eat with cheese if given the opportunity. Not until this week did I realize just how bad too much cheese can be for your calorie number. I am still using cheese often, but much less of it.

I would love any input any of you guys have on tackling any of the above issues. Also, please add me -- we are all in this together and I want to help support other people and have some support myself. Thanks!!