Partner Support

I wanted to ask those who had partners if they were supportive/non supportive of your weight loss/gain journey. Interested to know as I have a boyfriend how doesn't necessarily not support me but doesn't really help all that much either.

He is overweight himself but doesn't seem to have much of an issue with it. He exercises which is helpful to me because sometimes we go to the gym together but his eating habbits are shocking. I find it really hard when I am trying to eat healthy and he orders takeaways all the time. Because I dont have the urge for it but as soon as its in the house and i smell it and see how happy he looks eating it I get well fu*cked off to put it bluntly.

Just to highlight this fact he just orderd pizza's. Not just one but 3 for him and his friend AND chips AND garlic bread. Trying not to look the meat lovers in the eye before it hypnotises me.

What do other partners do that annoy you/ help you out?


  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Seriously, it is tough. I think some people bend and shape to fit each others needs.
    Sometimes people do not want to change, and then decisions must be made.

    Sorry, I don't know how to help you. I would be eating right next to them. I am find it easier to
    stick to my eating plan by not having all those foods around.

    It must be really tough for you.

  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    Kick his *kitten* into gear!

    I'm very lucky my girlfriend is supportive of what I do and what I want out of my body, she's sat by the side of a race line for two hours in minus temperatures one year because I wanted to do a hellrunner. She's also joining me with getting into a 'healthier' mindset, eating right and exercising and she's using myfitnesspal too.

    All I can suggest is to have a sit down talk with him, ask him for his support, even get him involved in preparing meals in advance etc. If he is adamant about still eating takeaways talk to him about 'cheat days' (some people do them, some people don't.) I think if he see's how important it is to you & how your current situation is upsetting you he might understand more and stand up and support you.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    It is very hard to be the only person in a group NOT eating some treat, no matter what the the treat is. Just grab your laptop or iipad or knitting and keep your hands busy.

    My husband needs to lose 60 pounds but is half committed. So i now cook and prepare our meals to be well within our calories and with good healthy food, but then he will not healthy at his work lunches.

    I do the grocery shopping, it helps.. Also to have something healthy in the slow cooker for dinner so he doesnt stop someplace and bring home fatty take away food