How many days without losing until it's considered a plateau

DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I think I have gone about 7 or 8 days now without seeing the scales move. I was going to only weigh myself once per week, but that didn't happen lol. Anyway, I was just wondering how long you go before you assume you have plateaued? I really would like to think I can kickstart any day now! I'm not too disheartened because I know i'll be able to get past it, i'm just interested in people's opinions on this.


  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I only weigh in once a week, so I would say at least 3 weeks with no loss would be a plateau.
  • First of all, let me commend you on a GREAT job so far!! As far as plateau, do you take your measurements along with jumping on the scale? Depending on your workout and what it entails (weights, cardio, strength training) just the scale alone won't be a complete picture of your weight. Your body metrics will also be a good measure (fat ratio vs water, organs, bones, basic body composite). I am not a big fan of the BMI ratio, but I know a lot of people use that for the %. You might want to also mix up your workouts for a week and see if you notice a difference. Ellipticals and cycling will really give you a great workout and burn a lot of calories for 60 minutes.
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Ah right, I think it feels like a longer time since I have stepped on the scales every single morning since I joined MFP lol. I won't worry too much then, funnily enough this is the first time I have gone a week without losing at least a 1lb since I started my new lifestyle. Must be because i'm getting closer to my goal.

    Thanks :)
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    First of all, let me commend you on a GREAT job so far!! As far as plateau, do you take your measurements along with jumping on the scale? Depending on your workout and what it entails (weights, cardio, strength training) just the scale alone won't be a complete picture of your weight. Your body metrics will also be a good measure (fat ratio vs water, organs, bones, basic body composite). I am not a big fan of the BMI ratio, but I know a lot of people use that for the %. You might want to also mix up your workouts for a week and see if you notice a difference. Ellipticals and cycling will really give you a great workout and burn a lot of calories for 60 minutes.

    Thank you for comments :) Actually no I haven't really done any measurements at all. I understand what you mean. I am looking to start strength training in the next week, and am fully expecting some gains in weight while maybe tightening up certain areas, i'm ready for that.

    Good idea about the workouts, I have had a fairly fixed routine for a while now. I'll look into that!
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    First off congrats on the wonderful job that you have done with your weight loss your numbers are fantastic :bigsmile: I know for me in my journey that I have gotten stuck a few time were the scale did not budge for a few weeks :grumble: but then it started moving again. If I took the weight lost and divided it into the weeks that I have been on my journey to a fitter life I balance out to just over 1 pound per week. So if you just keep at it the weight will come off again I do know that I have heard the closer to your goal you get the harder it is to lose. Keep up the great work :smile:
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Thanks :)

    Ironically, i lost weight on today's weigh-in right after saying i didn't lose for a week! I think i will say that more often! ;-)
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