New To MPF

Hi my name is Wanda,
About 2 yrs ago I joined WW and lost 40 lbs in 5 months. I was so thrilled with my progress; then I had to go for surgery and could not go to gym for 6 wks. Well I gained the 40 lbs back and then some; so after a year and a couple of months I gave myself a kick in the rear. I have joined the gym and lost 10 lbs. I know I can do it; but for me if I don't go to the gym then I don't care what I put in my mouth. I just discovered this site so I am anxious to get to know more and use it! I am inspired with how others are doing. One thing for sure it is all about lifestyle change.


  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    Options having a lifestyle change too!!!! i hope i can stick to it :happy: ive been at this for a month now and so far so good! good luck on your journey!!
  • TwentyTen
    Hi Wanda, Glad you could join us!
    I am very new here myself, but very motivated and inspired. The place has alot to offer, the tools of course, but also the encouragement, support, and friendly advice.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Dona22
    Hi all,
    another newby here!! ive always done WW on and off, but im loving MFP!!! i find it so easy to keep track of what im eating etc, definatley suits me! just hope the weight drops off lol!!! time will tell...

    Dona x
  • bizziebod
    Welcome! I've only been here three weeks myself and it's done wonders for my inspiration! I joined through the iphone app and that's really kept me focused - some of the posts on here are so motivational it's a real community! Good luck with your journey!