What's up with these pro anorexic people here?



  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    As someone studying addictions (my major is indeed addiction studies) and ED and Anorexia are addictions, it isn't so easy to say why someone does or doesn't do something. Eating disorders are process addictions. They vary from chemical addictions like alchoholism and drugs, yet they have just a strong a hold on someone as does something that messes with your body and mind chemically. There are past issues, current issues, future worries, that drive a person to do what they choose to. Phsycologically they have an impairment in the way the view the world and themselves. It is HARDLY of any use to post something like this bashing them. You're clearly not out to help any of these girls even if they aren't showing signs of wanting to help themselves, so why let it bother you? I'm sure you know you are NOT the only person to have witnessed this, but coming on the forums to post about it, is not going to get you the support or answers you're looking for. At most, it will get your topic locked and/or deleted.

    Unless you are perfect in every way, I don't think it is any of your business what they are doing. If you don't like it, reject the add and MOVE ON. But just remember, everytime you point a finger at someone else, you have THREE more pointing back at YOU. Don't knock someone else for their choices when you have most likely not been a Saint all your life. We all make mistakes, some people just need professional help in order to change their ways.:indifferent:
  • littlemeowmaid
    littlemeowmaid Posts: 114 Member
    ...could you be any more insensitive and narrow-minded? If you have that big of a problem with it you should really just ignore it instead of posting a topic spreading hate.

    It doesn't seem like she's being insensitive, just that she's against the "pro-ana" movement, it's a deasese people shouldn't be pro any deasese, If there was a "pro-depression" movement you'd be against that wouldn't you? It's supporting and encouraging their problem not the solution, when it needs to be the other way around.
    Having this website as a tool is detrimental to someone with that sort of problem and the mfp admin should recognise that and do something about it.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    I don't think you quite understand why there are pro-ana sites up or why a community on here makes sense. People have mental illness and seek out others who are able to understand them. It's not necessarily about encouraging them, it's about support. The idea of cutting off anorexics is not only stigmatizing but also wrong in that they will most likely continue to act out the same unhealthy behaviors without a support network. You should really read some of the articles about pro-ana that popped up around the time when tumblr decided to delete thinspo blogs. It's now all become fitspo instead, which in my opinion as an ex-exercise bulimic is not much better. I see lots of people on here that do unhealthy levels of exercise here to be "fit". Unhealthy eating and exercise behaviors are not limited to anorexics.

    Let's be kind a encourage people to eat healthfully instead of stigmatizing them with a fairly hateful board post. You really can't do anything but be there for them and show them that there are better ways to live your life. "Not supporting them" does nothing. Most women who are trapped in eating disorders are looking for a way out and looking to someone to tell them their worth does not depend on being rail thin. Just doing that is in itself very helpful.

    - A young woman who has struggled with disordered eating for the past 5 years (EDNOS)
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    As someone studying addictions (my major is indeed addiction studies) and ED and Anorexia are addictions, it isn't so easy to say why someone does or doesn't do something. Eating disorders are process addictions. They vary from chemical addictions like alchoholism and drugs, yet they have just a strong a hold on someone as does something that messes with your body and mind chemically. There are past issues, current issues, future worries, that drive a person to do what they choose to. Phsycologically they have an impairment in the way the view the world and themselves. It is HARDLY of any use to post something like this bashing them. You're clearly not out to help any of these girls even if they aren't showing signs of wanting to help themselves, so why let it bother you? I'm sure you know you are NOT the only person to have witnessed this, but coming on the forums to post about it, is not going to get you the support or answers you're looking for. At most, it will get your topic locked and/or deleted.

    Unless you are perfect in every way, I don't think it is any of your business what they are doing. If you don't like it, reject the add and MOVE ON. But just remember, everytime you point a finger at someone else, you have THREE more pointing back at YOU. Don't knock someone else for their choices when you have most likely not been a Saint all your life. We all make mistakes, some people just need professional help in order to change their ways.:indifferent:

    This. This this this this this! Thank you!
  • samlankford
    its a disease like any other... sad, but they have to want to change for any type of help will be accepted.. Being healthy is key, exercise, eat right, get enough sleep (if your able) and be happy.. everything else will fall into place...:wink:
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I believe they could just be looking for attention. They OBVIOUSLY don't need to lose weight. Most likely, gain weight.

    This is not how I see it. They are sick. Anorexia nervosa is a psychological disorder. Maybe you don't understand it. Honestly, I don't blame you for that because I also don't understand it. Frankly I don't have the expertise to actually offer any concrete help to people with EDs but if they are on my friends list (and I know I have one) I simply offer them supportive words. I've never had an ED so they aren't triggering me or bothering me in any way. As someone above said, they have their own demons---we all have them. The unique thing with weight issues (excessively over or under) is that these demons manifest in the physical body so they are on the outside for everyone to see (and also that makes it easier to cast judgement on folks with physical body issues). I really don't think it is fair to say they just want attention. The same could be said for any group. If they bother you delete them from your list. If you think you can help, offer support. Otherwise this is diverse place (we have vegans, paleo diets, no carb folks, people who drink their own pee for crikey's sake) there are definitely going to be people you don't understand and/or connect with just by the sheer numbers here.

    A lot of the girls do not ACTUALLY have anorexia nervosa and just want to lose weight quickly, knowing very well it is unhealthy.

    I ask what people are into and just find people that have similar interests concerning weight loss. I am not opposed to eating under 1200 calories. I dont mind being friends with someone that is recovering (We are all here for poor eating habits). I dont like having people encouraging me to eat 200 calories a day or 2500 calories a day, so I ask people what they are into and explain why I didnt friend them.
    PS if the poster is serious about people drinking their own pee, I definately will not friend them :sick:
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
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