Dessert Free Week Anyone?

I eat sweets WAY too much. After Thanksgiving I have decided to start a dessert/treat free week. No more eating the small piece of chocolate in the conference room at work or having a cookie at the end of the day. NO sugary foods for 1 whole week. Not sure if I have even gone one day recently! Anyone else want to try for a dessert free week with me. I'll be trying it on my own here at my house, but would love some encouragement here! :smile: :smile:


  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I only eat sweets on my "free day" once a week. When I first cut out the sugar, I had a headache for 3 days and felt terrible. Detox I guess. Crazy, right?

    I feel SO much better away from the sugar. I notice my moods are more even, and my energy level much more consistent throughout the day.

    This week I had a slice of Perkins French Silk Pie after Thanksgiving dinner. It was absolutely incredible. When I logged it I discovered it was 760 calories for 1 slice. WOW.

    So I'm with you... pretty much every week is a sweet-free week for me!
  • positivepineapple
    positivepineapple Posts: 87 Member
    I'm in!
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    i have a sweet everyday and just stay within my allowed calories. For example, have a small bit of chocolate mid day or a sugar free ice cream after dinner. I have lost weight consistantly too. I never look at it as a cheat or a treat. Its part of my normal everyday eating.

    Discipline and moderation are key in our success :)
  • jnetholmer
    Day one complete! Now to get through the rest of the week!
  • Katherinesfitness
    Good work! I go through waves of needing sweets. It's a super hard craving, desserts. Keep it up :))
  • swarla
    swarla Posts: 105 Member
    This sounds perfect I have had way too many sweets all week. I'm in!
  • ILoveFroggies
    ILoveFroggies Posts: 120 Member
    I am SO KEEN to join you on this! I currently eat at least a 250g block of caramello chocolate a day in addition to cookies and the like... And I really want to stop!

    Edit: I'll start properly tmr because I've already blown it with gelati and chocolate today haha
  • SKJ98
    SKJ98 Posts: 25
    I eat sweets everyday and I seriously need to stop! I'm in starting tomorrow! No sweets one week!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I like this idea! I eat way too many sweets, so this could be a way to reset my palate.