looking for a lifeline, is ww it?



  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member

    Of course, MFP and WW are totally different programs. But here is my plan...
    Huh? The programs are exactly the same, except one you count calories and the other you count points.

    Oh yeah, and one is free....
  • try a commitment website - like stickk. You commit to a certain amount of weight loss and choose how much money to stake on your being successful. Any week you make your target you pay nothing, if you fail you are charged the amount you have chosen.

    The money doesn't go to the site, it can go to a friend - or a cause you really hate to help to motivate you. You nominate a friend as the judge who weighs you in to make sure you don't cheat.
  • LadySylvanas
    LadySylvanas Posts: 133 Member
    the new points system didn't work for me either.. I ended up gaining weight :grumble:
  • Hello, how 'bout trying the power of Will, right smack dab in the middle of consciousness? It is such a force of course straight from the source ... You!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I found great success on WW years ago - it was Winning Points back then. BUT... the binge eating thing never went away until I stopped restricting harshly.

    I find the best way to avoid binging is to set a more realistic goal - 1/2 lb per week, or 250 calorie deficit daily. That way, you don't feel deprived and the weight will come off if you're diligent with weighing and recording what you eat.

    See even if it takes you more than a year to lose the weight, it WILL come off and you can live with this system. What you may find harder is the constant restriction/binge cycle that has a tendency to cause self-loathing and other less helpful emotions.

    Moderation... my recommendation FWIW.
  • Ke11yJo
    Ke11yJo Posts: 141
    I haven't read the other replies yet because I want this to be an uninfluenced reply.

    I was a huge WW fan. I lost 60 lbs with them reaching my goal weight in Dec 1999. I kept this weight off for 10 years. It was an amazing program. I hit menopause and a deep depression and gained it back. The first thing I did was trot my butt back to WW and found they had a new points program. I stuck with it for a solid year and lost 6 lbs. This is only my personal opinion ... I think the PointsPlus program is flawed. Fruit and veggies both have calories. Sucks, but it is the reality that they do. You need to account for everything you put into your body. All of it.

    Although the old program worked for me I think the points program not showing you the balance from Carbs/Protein/Sugar etc does not educate you enough. You need to find a healthy lifestyle which MFP promotes. Eating balanced, moving your body etc. IF you feel you need accountability maybe find a way to incorporate that ... step in the scale with someone you trust?

    You will do what is right for you and I wish you all the best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • bjdavid53
    bjdavid53 Posts: 47 Member
    I went back to WW a few weeks ago & have been losing steadily since I started. I am a lifetime member. I like to come on MFP to read the message boards, but found I could not get my number of calories right here & wasn't losing any weight. I know that with WW I will lose the weight if I track what I'm eating & stay within my points. They take the question of how many calories to eat out of my hands.
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    I'd suggest seeing a therapist to find out what your mental issues are with your weight. No diet program is going to work until you get your head is in a place where you can control yourself, Being accountable still won't help if your head isn't there.

    ^^^^^^^ DEFINITELY THIS!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I'm thinking of going back to weight watchers. I lost a ton of weight with them back in 2010, but since then put a lot of weight back on. Emotional eating seems to be a progressive thing with me, and at this point, I am suffering with Binge eating, full force. MFP isn't enough because I need to be accountable every week with the scale.
    Of course, MFP and WW are totally different programs. But here is my plan...
    I'll do WW until I am healthy mentally - probably a few months. During that time, I will follow WW but also log in MFP. Eventually, when I want to quit WW (too expensive) I will have an easy transition to MFP's program, since I will have been logging it and I'll know what I'm expected to do.
    I think MFP is a fantastic program, but mentally, something is seriously wrong with me, and I need to get my stuff together before I can really use it.
    Anyone try to use both? Anyone have another way besides joining WW to hold yourself truly accountable? (in person, something "official.")
    Anyone just feel like their willpower is broken because in their hearts they feel they have screwed up their lives and nothing can fix it?

    If you feel like "something is seriously wrong with me" you need to seek the help of a trained professional. You need a therapist, counselor, etc. Not a company that makes their money off of people being unable to sustain weight loss.

    Get real help so you can make a real change in your life.
  • mamapuddin17
    mamapuddin17 Posts: 108 Member
    Can someone tell me how many calories 26 points are? My friend is doing ww and is allowed 26 points.
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    Can someone tell me how many calories 26 points are? My friend is doing ww and is allowed 26 points.
    I did ww many years ago and it was 50 calories per point on average. They also give you extra points for exercise. Once I started exercising seriously it was not enough points for me. I was always starving.
  • mamapuddin17
    mamapuddin17 Posts: 108 Member
    Can someone tell me how many calories 26 points are? My friend is doing ww and is allowed 26 points.
    I did ww many years ago and it was 50 calories per point on average. They also give you extra points for exercise. Once I started exercising seriously it was not enough points for me. I was always starving.

    Thank you!