Looking weird at the gym.



  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Edt: nvm - yes, do your routine.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Just do your routine. Most people aren't looking, and you can ignore the ones that are.
  • RubyRed8067
    You tube it. Type whatever machine you want to learn to use, and you can see them do it, then it might be easier. Also, unless it's a self-run gym, perhaps you can ask someone who works there if they can show you how to use the equipment or hire a trainer for a few weeks.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    You can look up exercises online and try them at the gym. Just bring one page with a couple of exercises on it and practice those until you can do them without having the guide there. Then make a new page with a few more exercises. People who are following a serious training plan SHOULD have at least one paper and a pen with them at the gym to record number of reps, weight, etc.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I can feel self conscious at the gym as well, and generally use it for classes like spin, and for cardio. Sometimes I use the weight machines and sometimes I don't. I bought an exercise ball and use it at home for sit ups, and use dumbbells at home as well.

    For what it's worth, though, I often watch heavier people at the gym because they inspire me so much. People who are younger and have perfect bodies, not so much. I know they've worked hard as well, but in my mind it takes something extra for heavyier people to come to the gym.

    Have you considered working out at a community center instead of a gym? You usually see a wider range of body types and ability.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Long story short. I go to a small franchise gym that only has Equipment. I usually only stretch then hop on a Bike/Treadmill etc.. Last time when I lost weight I added in strength training and the results were 50% better. But, when I try to do anymore then sit-ups and push-ups people tend to stare or I think I am doing something wrong and look ridiculous. I need a routine where I don't look ridiculous, that works my arms back and Ab's. (my legs are very solid cardio slims them down) I've been looking up routines online or in Fitness magazines and bringing them with me but, that makes me feel 100 times worse, trying to navigate through a papers.


    1. Go to the gym.
    2. Put in your earbuds.
    3. Turn on music LOUD!
    4. FOCUS on YOUR workout.
    5. Watch the wall clock, not anyone else around you.
    6. Sweat... a lot.
    7. Go home exhausted knowing you killed it.
    8. Sleep.
    9. Eat clean.
    10 Rinse and repeat.

    Remember you are there for YOU not anyone else. It's YOUR body, YOUR health, YOUR workout.

    Stop worrying about other people's 'feelings'. As long as you aren't breaking any rules and you aren't a rude asshat. Let them suck it while you get healthier and they get bitter.
  • ashleymmannisto
    ashleymmannisto Posts: 62 Member
    I am 245 pounds, 5 feet even. I go to the gym, and there are skinny people all around. No fatties!! Occasionally someone 3/4 my size will stroll in. But I tell myself, let them stair, I'm the fastest fattie they'll ever see on this elliptical!! LMAO!!! I push myself hard, and I know that they don't have to work as hard as I do (yes I know some of them maybe were bigger) but I just tell myself they are thinking, Hey look at her, she's fat and she can do it, so can I. :) I just keep telling myself, they're shocked to see me, and push myself to show them up. I hate when they stair though, so I make jokes about it to my mom. I say "I'm the fastest fattie, or hey look at that fattie coming (talking about myself), I just deal with it I guess. I walk in with my head held high, and say that's right, I"m here to WORK OUT! :P I jokingly bash myself to make me feel better. I know it sounds dumb, but I have a sarcastic, smart *kitten* attitude, and it works for me.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    I know i look silly when at the gym / out running.
    But i'd. Rather look silly for an hour or two each day than look like a lazy slob all day every day.

    And besides i'm not trying to sleep with any of them so why should i care what they think?

    (thats my 2 cents)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Long story short. I go to a small franchise gym that only has Equipment. I usually only stretch then hop on a Bike/Treadmill etc.. Last time when I lost weight I added in strength training and the results were 50% better. But, when I try to do anymore then sit-ups and push-ups people tend to stare or I think I am doing something wrong and look ridiculous. I need a routine where I don't look ridiculous, that works my arms back and Ab's. (my legs are very solid cardio slims them down) I've been looking up routines online or in Fitness magazines and bringing them with me but, that makes me feel 100 times worse, trying to navigate through a papers.


    1. Go to the gym.
    2. Put in your earbuds.
    3. Turn on music LOUD!
    4. FOCUS on YOUR workout.
    5. Watch the wall clock, not anyone else around you.
    6. Sweat... a lot.
    7. Go home exhausted knowing you killed it.
    8. Sleep.
    9. Eat clean.
    10 Rinse and repeat.

    Remember you are there for YOU not anyone else. It's YOUR body, YOUR health, YOUR workout.

    This describes my workout. I couldn't care less what anyone else there thinks. I'm not there for them. And if any of them would like to try to keep up with me on my workout, all I can say is "BRING IT!"