Im new to this, a little about me. Im 37 graduating College in a week I hope (lol), I weight 260lbs (I blame my fiance, he loves too cook, and I love to eat). But enough of the blame game, Im just plain tired of being Fat!!!!!! i wont to get back to 160-175lbs i looked good when i weighted that much...... The excersie part is going to be tough as Im physically unable to do most excersice due to a disability i have. But I didnt let that get me down or beat neither will this.....slower is better so i will take this one day at a time, one hour at a time, on min at a time......and this weight will come off:smokin:


  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Congrats on graduating from college next wk. I am physically disabled so it is hard for me to do most exercises either. I gained most of my wt. after becoming disabled and not being able to get around very well. Feel free to add me for support and encouragement.
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    Welcome! This is a great place to learn....well some things you wish you hadn't learned and some are just plain nuts but overall I am really enjoying the journey. Have lost 16 lbs since joining in Sept. So not a lot but at least its going in the right direction.

    I have problems doing somethings also as I am older and have had injuries in past and I am quite a bit over weight. I am afraid to try some exercises as I don't want to get another serious injury, but I just keep plodding along. Did a bit of zumba (15 min) until my hip and back of thigh said enough earlier today.

    Am struggling with my food the past few days. Make some bad choices, but its ok, I didn't totally pig out and I can start new today right now on the next choice.

    Eating is so much more difficult than quitting a vice, like drinking or chewing your nails. You have to eat something but you don't have to drink or chew your nails. If you get my drift.

    Hope you get some people who are active and fun! It is motivating seeing my online friends succeeding. And they are so supportive when I whine about how little I got done on my exercise attempt. I do see improvement but it does such being so freaking sedentary the past few years and now trying to get stronger and leaner.

    One day at a time is my motto. Going to take a long time to get to my goal but not going to give up now.
