Loose skin??

This question isn't really for me, but it's for my mom. She Has been working out for i think about a year now....She looks great! Way better than me! Her stomach is skinny, its just she has some loose skin... I know that it isn't fat because when you pinch it, its really thin and everything. This is probably from having two kids...But i know that other people have gotten rid of it! So how did you guys do it?? Thanks!


  • .
  • Gym. Add muscle to fill out the loose skin.
  • time, lots of time. weight training helps as does a good vitamin E or shea butter cream but ultimately if its going to go back it will just take time.
  • mc1217
    mc1217 Posts: 108 Member
    My weight has been up/down for my entire life, and even though through this most recent journey I lost 60 lbs. slowly (~1-2 lbs./week), I also have loose skin from the years of yo-yo dieting & my weight fluctuating btwn the extremes of 105 lbs - 185+ lbs (@ 5'4).

    I've always lifted weights since I started this regime, so i don't know how much worse my loose skin would be if I didn't lift, but I'm sure it has helped.

    Not to be a party pooper, and perhaps I've been educated incorrectly, but I've read/heard that one's ability to lose loose skin can depend greatly upon an individual's genetics. So, I don't know... it's frustrating to see women and men on here who've lost more than me, with toned cores, and I lift 3 days/week, in addition to cardio, and can't tone my stomach/get rid of the loose skin.

    It's something i continue to work on b/c I also heard it can take 2 years after you've hit your goal weight for the skin to firm back up... it's been about 1.5 years for me though.... and it hasn't gone away. I continue to lift weights & do ab/core work though b/c i refuse to give up lol (maybe i'm hard headed). i'd love to have surgery, but i don't have the money, and i still hope to become a mom some day, so i know the money would be wasted on surgery if i plan on a future pregnancy.

    anyway, i guess i don't have too much input - aside from what was already said about weight lifting & how i do believe it can be genetic. just wanted to let you know that she isn't alone! i try to tell myself that i'd rather have loose skin than 60 lbs. of extra fat!