Resetting Goals?

No matter what, MFP always tells me that my calorie intake should be 1200. I'm only trying to lose about five pounds, so this seems a little low. I keep reentering my data, but it always comes back to 1200. Has anyone else had this problem/am I doing something wrong?


  • toby8864
    I was able to get it to change my calorie intake when I changed my goals. For example If you change your goal from lose 1 lb per week to .5 lbs per week it will give you more calories. I started out wanting to lose 5 lbs and did the 1 lb per week and it gave me 1200 calories...and its worked. Ive been on here for about 4 weeks and I only have 1/2 lb left! As soon as I lose that I am changing my goals to "maintain current weight" because I know I dont need to stick to 1200 calories a day if Ive lost what I want to. Hope that helps!

    BTW...if you change your lifestyle from "sedentary" to more active it will give you more calories, too.