Making a lifestyle change, need to be accountable.

Hello all,

I just tipped the scales at 400lb this past Wednesday - the heaviest I've ever been. My eldest son (21) is engaged to be married and happily talks of plans for a big family. I'd really like to see those kids....

I have dieted before, several times. Sometimes with pretty good success (over 100lbs lost once). But I always slip back. I guess this time I see my mortality a bit more clearly than before. I think I have the commitment it takes to make it this time; but I kinda feel like a 4-time divorcee facing his fifth marriage.... (I'm happily married, by the way, 25th anniversary is coming up in January).

My Dr and others have talked to me about weight loss surgery; but I just can't face that. Besides, my worst food weakness is sugary drinks - which these dramatic surgeries aren't good at overcoming. No matter what path I take, I'll need to overcome those sweet drinks.

In all of those previous attempts, I've tried to go it alone. My personality is inclined to being private and not sharing my problems and deficiencies with others. I need to over come that. I need to make myself accountable. So, I've signed up to this tool; and I'm enlisting the aid of a couple people who I don't think I can lie to. (yup - I'm good at lying about what I eat - to myself as well as others). My middle son (18) is the main one on this list - he's smart and knowledgeable about diet and food chemistry and such (he's studying to be an MD); and won't let me lie. But also doesn't overreact to temporary setbacks. That's kinda why I'm not putting my wife on the list. She tends to do what I call micro-worry. You've heard of micro managing. Well, micro-worrying is the same kind of thing. Don't get me wrong, I won't exactly hide from her. But she doesn't need to know my daily record. I'd get way too much grief for being a bit over here, or a bit under there.

I plan to follow a low carb approach. I've used those before with great results. I know the routine pretty well, and my body reacts well to it. Anyone on who knows the ropes on using MFP with a low carb diet; I'd appreciate knowing what works and what doesn't while using this program. Also, people who are VERY much overweight such as I am, who have experience with exercise routines, I'd like to know what you do. After a bit of research, I'm planning to do some basic weight training at home; and just try to move more. After I've taken 50-100lbs off, I'll reexamine the exercise thing.

Jim in Orlando


  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Hi Jim,

    Please feel to add me if you like. I started at 314 four months ago. I know how hard it can be. I'm working it everyday. I've managed to overhaul my eating and exercise habits. I need the support of others too. I'm following a fat shredder diet composed of 50 percent protein, 30 percent carbs and 20 percent fat. I'm far from perfect but I've been making some good gains. I'm currently on my second round of p90x. Currently at 272.

    I know p90x may feel too much for you at the moment, but whatever exercise you choose, stick with it and you will see results. If you want accountability from like minded people I will help.
  • tehbasketcasey
    We can do it!
  • miketheman79
    Feel free to add me, I'm on here everyday and will encourage you!
  • JeffinRaleigh
    Friend request sent. You can do this man!
  • wsbrown176
    wsbrown176 Posts: 6 Member

    I was injured in March of 2011 and gained a 120 lbs. Some of it was due to medications, bad diet, and lack of activity. I was able to get my weight down 100 pounds since last December or 80 pounds since I joined MFP. I am currently out of exercise due to tendon surgery from my original injury. So I will need the support as well while I am out.

  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement.

    @Stewart, I'm trying to find some REALLY low impact ways to exercise. I didn't gain my weight from an injury - my injury (injuries) are because of my weight. After decades of being grossly overweight, the inevitable damage has been done. I'd like to know what limited exercise you try to do as you recover from your surgery.

    Before I try more intense things (I used to be a swimmer, but even that is a bit much for me right now) - I'm going to try just slightly increasing my activity and add some sitting-down weight training. Nothing major. I have no interest or intention of being a body builder. Just not my thing. But I've read that putting on some muscle mass will help with the dieting, and for those very much overweight is actually one of the better ways to start. Cardio workouts can be a bit too much right now. When I get to that, I'll go to swimming - which is what I used to do when I was more athletic - in the long distant past.
  • brittamh
    brittamh Posts: 137 Member
    You can do it! Feel free to add me if you would like:)
  • Cori_Mac
    Cori_Mac Posts: 134 Member
    You've got this! Add me, too, if you like. I'm low-carbing as well. :)