How to raise your metabolism?

So my metabolism SUCKS. In fact, my whole family's sucks. That why we are so chubby (excuses, excuses) But no, really. It sucks. How can I raise it?????? Please answer me!!! I wanna be like those other girls who go to the bathroom 3 times a day
(not to sound weird):laugh:


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You think having a high metabolism means you poop a lot?

    And, do you really think you're "chubby" because you have a slow metabolism or is because you eat too much and don't get enough exercise?
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Basic way to raise the amount of calories you burn in a day is to do more exercise.

    I always used to think it was because of my "slow metabolism" - but I now see it's 98% me eating more than I was burning.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I always heard that the more active you were, the better your metabolism..
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    The "slow metabolism" theory has been pretty much debunked by science. Overweight people usually have HIGHER metabolic rates than thin people, because it takes more energy to do everyday activity. To answer your second point, although many pills and drinks claim to increase your metabolism, the only two substances that have been proven to increase metabolic rate slightly are caffeine and nicotine.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    The best way to increase metabolism is to increase lean muscle mass. If you are heavy, you are probably carrying around more muscle mass, though. As you lose weight you will also lose some muscle. The trick is to retain as much muscle mass as possible while you lose weight.

    Lift weights, and try to eat lots of lean proteins to try to maintain muscle mass. Eat at a caloric deficit, in order to lose fat. You will still lose some muscle. (your body won't see the need to maintain as much muscle as you get lighter, because it won't have to work so hard to perform your normal daily activities.)

    If you want to be in the bathroom a lot, drink lots of water. It also helps flush the kidneys when consuming large amounts of protein.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
  • Myan1959
    Myan1959 Posts: 30 Member
    Mine came to a halt when I turned 40 but I do believe if you burn more than you take in it should help with it. It seems the more muscle you have the more calories you burn even at a resting pace, but just my opinion. I had blamed everything on going through menopause but got my butt busy and started moving more and it has helped a lot especially with the tape not the scale.
  • kukspuks
    You think having a high metabolism means you poop a lot?

    And, do you really think you're "chubby" because you have a slow metabolism or is because you eat too much and don't get enough exercise?

    No, really. My family doesn't eat high-fattening foods. The Slavic diets consist of a lot of borsch and low-calorie soups. Only once in a blue moon would we prepare something like nachos, or pizza. We exercise everyday in the gym for 2 hours.
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    Ok lets say you burn 700 calories at the gym, but misjudge your portion sizes at home, so you get an extra 100 calories per meal. That's 300 extra calories per day for seven days. So, 2,100 calories a week. Now, you burn 4,900 calories at the gym per week. This is good, you're at a calorie deficit at this point. However, what are you eating? How often are you eating? How strenuous is your workout?

    Science says people generally have similar metabolic rates, so unless your whole family is a medical anomaly, then you're missing something. Also, science says people notoriously underestimate the amount they eat. Are you logging everything that goes into your mouth? Do you use a food scale?
  • balinnka
    During the day drinking a lot of cold water is supposed to help boost it (not sure if this is proven or not, but drinking lots of water is always good!).

    Another thing you can try is high intensity interval training or HIIT which you can google for more details and workouts. It's supposed to be the best workout for boosting metabolism and burning fat so if those are your goals I'd definitely check it out! :)
  • kukspuks
    Ok lets say you burn 700 calories at the gym, but misjudge your portion sizes at home, so you get an extra 100 calories per meal. That's 300 extra calories per day for seven days. So, 2,100 calories a week. Now, you burn 4,900 calories at the gym per week. This is good, you're at a calorie deficit at this point. However, what are you eating? How often are you eating? How strenuous is your workout?

    Science says people generally have similar metabolic rates, so unless your whole family is a medical anomaly, then you're missing something. Also, science says people notoriously underestimate the amount they eat. Are you logging everything that goes into your mouth? Do you use a food scale?

    I eat every 2-3 hours of, yes small portions. I heard that this was a great way to lose weight. My friend is a great example. Lost 30 pounds in a 6 month duration. I try my hardest to eat foods high in protein. I get sugars only from milk and fruit. And yes, I log everything. If a weigh a piece of chicken breast and it's 4.5 ounces, I'll count it as if I had 5 ounces. Well, my workouts are: basketball shooting and games, treadmill (walking), stationary bike, the ClimbingSystem, and at times I will take a morning walk. Does this sound pretty good? I hope so. :tongue:
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    Ok lets say you burn 700 calories at the gym, but misjudge your portion sizes at home, so you get an extra 100 calories per meal. That's 300 extra calories per day for seven days. So, 2,100 calories a week. Now, you burn 4,900 calories at the gym per week. This is good, you're at a calorie deficit at this point. However, what are you eating? How often are you eating? How strenuous is your workout?

    Science says people generally have similar metabolic rates, so unless your whole family is a medical anomaly, then you're missing something. Also, science says people notoriously underestimate the amount they eat. Are you logging everything that goes into your mouth? Do you use a food scale?

    I eat every 2-3 hours of, yes small portions. I heard that this was a great way to lose weight. My friend is a great example. Lost 30 pounds in a 6 month duration. I try my hardest to eat foods high in protein. I get sugars only from milk and fruit. And yes, I log everything. If a weigh a piece of chicken breast and it's 4.5 ounces, I'll count it as if I had 5 ounces. Well, my workouts are: basketball shooting and games, treadmill (walking), stationary bike, the ClimbingSystem, and at times I will take a morning walk. Does this sound pretty good? I hope so. :tongue:

    Then I have to ask how long you've been trying to lose weight. That or tell you to go get your BMR tested.
  • ClaireM8
    Maybe not metabolism. Thyroid, Glycemic imbalance, hormones, gluten intolerance...there are a whole bunch of medical reasons for weight to be difficult to lose and some are genetic - maybe give yourself another month and then start getting tested for alternatives. Also, consider seeing a nutritionist - it is possible that the balance of what you eat is out (calorie count is not the be-all-and-end-all). Hormone-based contraception is a real killer for weight as well.
  • ladyspring
    ladyspring Posts: 7 Member
    like ClaireM8 could be some other condition entirely. You seem to have a very active lifestyle and don't starve yourself so you should have a normal metabolism. I used to think the same when I was in college. Little did I know that I had a hormonal imbalance that made me fat no matter how little I eat :/
  • kukspuks
    Ok lets say you burn 700 calories at the gym, but misjudge your portion sizes at home, so you get an extra 100 calories per meal. That's 300 extra calories per day for seven days. So, 2,100 calories a week. Now, you burn 4,900 calories at the gym per week. This is good, you're at a calorie deficit at this point. However, what are you eating? How often are you eating? How strenuous is your workout?

    Science says people generally have similar metabolic rates, so unless your whole family is a medical anomaly, then you're missing something. Also, science says people notoriously underestimate the amount they eat. Are you logging everything that goes into your mouth? Do you use a food scale?

    I eat every 2-3 hours of, yes small portions. I heard that this was a great way to lose weight. My friend is a great example. Lost 30 pounds in a 6 month duration. I try my hardest to eat foods high in protein. I get sugars only from milk and fruit. And yes, I log everything. If a weigh a piece of chicken breast and it's 4.5 ounces, I'll count it as if I had 5 ounces. Well, my workouts are: basketball shooting and games, treadmill (walking), stationary bike, the ClimbingSystem, and at times I will take a morning walk. Does this sound pretty good? I hope so. :tongue:

    Then I have to ask how long you've been trying to lose weight. That or tell you to go get your BMR tested.

    Well I started MFP like 1.5 months ago. Lost 3 pounds. But I started the whole diet thinga-majig back in mid-August. Lost 9 pounds since then. Well, gained 2 from Thanksgiving. So I lost 7 pounds. I really thought that I'd be thinner by now, you know? Well I checked my BMR on MFP and it says 1,557 calories a day.
  • kukspuks
    Maybe not metabolism. Thyroid, Glycemic imbalance, hormones, gluten intolerance...there are a whole bunch of medical reasons for weight to be difficult to lose and some are genetic - maybe give yourself another month and then start getting tested for alternatives. Also, consider seeing a nutritionist - it is possible that the balance of what you eat is out (calorie count is not the be-all-and-end-all). Hormone-based contraception is a real killer for weight as well.

    Maybe. Because my sister went to the doctor's and they said it might be Thyroid cancer or something like that. Fortunately, it wasn't cancer (Thank God!) but was a hyper-something thyroid. I don't know medical terms. :laugh:
  • SoopraBint

    not sure if adding some of these to your diet would help...?
  • SavannahStarves
    having an active lifestyle is probably the best way to raise your metabolism, but drink a lot of green tea and water, they've been proven to help raise your metabolism as well. Blueberries, almonds, whey protein, salmon, psyllium husk, spinach, turkey, and oatmeal also can help to raise it. but you've got to exercise!
  • kukspuks

    not sure if adding some of these to your diet would help...?

    Oooo. I'll try these out. Thanks. :wink:
  • kukspuks
    having an active lifestyle is probably the best way to raise your metabolism, but drink a lot of green tea and water, they've been proven to help raise your metabolism as well. Blueberries, almonds, whey protein, salmon, psyllium husk, spinach, turkey, and oatmeal also can help to raise it. but you've got to exercise!

    Well I used to drink green tea, but I didn't like it. I only like the expensive ones. Hhaha. Well, I eat a lot of oatmeal, salmon, and almonds. I hope that kinda gives it a boost. Thanks. :smile: