Is this routine good enough to burn fat



  • jade_131
    jade_131 Posts: 59 Member
    So lots of ppl are saying to do more weight training/ body weight bc it will increase your metabolism long term, cardio does it short term an example is say you run for an hour and lose 300 cals that's all you will lose for that hour and nothing after it but if you had some muscle you can lose more calories throughout the day bc they require more energy to maintain thus using up the calories you eat in the day even if you do nothing. Don't worry about getting muscular b/c its very hard for a women to be muscular as man simply bc woman have about 1/10 of the amount of testosterone than men do so let's say a guy gains 10 lbs of muscle in 1 year it would take you 10 years to do the same. Another thing from your diet take out starches bananas, rice, potatoes they are used more for staying big, Take out tofu/soy from your diet its full of estrogen, it messes up with your hormones it helps you store fat, it makes you have "wings" in your triceps lol. Hope that helps

    omg all of the things that I love you mentioned! Lol I eat a banana everyday I'm addicted. I'm asian so I eat rice!! Everyday allll day. I also love sweet potatoes because they help me go to the restroom. Tofu is good :( I thought these were healthy foods..
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Why is everybody on this site so pro lifting and anti cardio? Yes, if you want to lose fat, running is a great idea! It always has been! Why do you think runners are lean? A thirty minute run will burn another 300 calories per day and get your results that much faster. Because it's a short run, you can tack it onto lifting. I think you're on the right track. If you feel fine running on an empty stomach, then go for it. I like to have some carbs first, but a lot of people are find just getting up and going, whatever works for you is fine.

    I run 22-25 miles a week. She wants muscle

    Her original post said she wanted muscle and to cut fat.

    Then it sounds like lifting is the way to go

    I don't want to bulk up necessarily I want the fat off the most lol.

    Then it sounds like lifting is the way to go
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So lots of ppl are saying to do more weight training/ body weight bc it will increase your metabolism long term, cardio does it short term an example is say you run for an hour and lose 300 cals that's all you will lose for that hour and nothing after it but if you had some muscle you can lose more calories throughout the day bc they require more energy to maintain thus using up the calories you eat in the day even if you do nothing. Don't worry about getting muscular b/c its very hard for a women to be muscular as man simply bc woman have about 1/10 of the amount of testosterone than men do so let's say a guy gains 10 lbs of muscle in 1 year it would take you 10 years to do the same. Another thing from your diet take out starches bananas, rice, potatoes they are used more for staying big, Take out tofu/soy from your diet its full of estrogen, it messes up with your hormones it helps you store fat, it makes you have "wings" in your triceps lol. Hope that helps

    Could you explain more?.

    How does soy make you store fat in your upper arms? Are you saying any dosage of soy is bad?

    Why do starches make you 'big'? (hint: they don't)
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    You need to seriously lower your carb intake, eat lean meat and veggies for two weeks and you'll see a difference

    ah, but it's not that easy when I'm asian... I don't think it's that. Most asians eat rice 3 times a day and still stay slim and fit. I can't leave me rice nooOOOOOoOoo :(

    Eat your rice, OP. Carbs are part of an overall healthy diet.

    I am tired of the nonsense on the forums.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Another thing from your diet take out starches bananas, rice, potatoes they are used more for staying big, Take out tofu/soy from your diet its full of estrogen, it messes up with your hormones it helps you store fat, it makes you have "wings" in your triceps lol. Hope that helps
    You were good up until that point...

    You don't know what you're talking about.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    what? I'm confused after all this. Eat rice and soy. eat a surplus of calories and lift heavy. it will take more than a few weeks to build muscle. keep up the cardio too. I say don't worry about your "fat."
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    So lots of ppl are saying to do more weight training/ body weight bc it will increase your metabolism long term, cardio does it short term an example is say you run for an hour and lose 300 cals that's all you will lose for that hour and nothing after it but if you had some muscle you can lose more calories throughout the day bc they require more energy to maintain thus using up the calories you eat in the day even if you do nothing. Don't worry about getting muscular b/c its very hard for a women to be muscular as man simply bc woman have about 1/10 of the amount of testosterone than men do so let's say a guy gains 10 lbs of muscle in 1 year it would take you 10 years to do the same. Another thing from your diet take out starches bananas, rice, potatoes they are used more for staying big, Take out tofu/soy from your diet its full of estrogen, it messes up with your hormones it helps you store fat, it makes you have "wings" in your triceps lol. Hope that helps

  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    OP If you can't afford a gym membership, I would start a bodyweight training routine- you can look up videos on youtube, or check out the book "You are your own gym" for a more formal plan. Your diet sounds perfectly healthy, though adding a bit more protein wouldn't hurt. Rice, bananas, tofu, sweet potatoes, etc are all fine. Maybe more tofu or fish could help with the protein, or a simple protein shake would do it.

    Cardio and running are fine, too, but strength training will get you the results you're looking for. Ditch the 5lb dumbbells for pushups, chin ups, dips, squats, lunges, and pick up a couple gallons of water to use for things like overhead presses and rows. Actually, you don't have to ditch the 5lb weights- do them if you like them, but a more serious strength program is what you need for the transformation you want.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    there's a lot of talk about the routine here but very little talk about the OP's diet. If you want to lose fat the diet is what you should be asking about more than the routine


    Also, you don't HAVE to lift weight. Lifting weights is awesome and has benefits but working out to workout videos or developing your own body weight related workout program is perfectly fine and gives you very good results (case and point, boxers who rarely lift yet have amazing bodies)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    So lots of ppl are saying to do more weight training/ body weight bc it will increase your metabolism long term, cardio does it short term an example is say you run for an hour and lose 300 cals that's all you will lose for that hour and nothing after it but if you had some muscle you can lose more calories throughout the day bc they require more energy to maintain thus using up the calories you eat in the day even if you do nothing. Don't worry about getting muscular b/c its very hard for a women to be muscular as man simply bc woman have about 1/10 of the amount of testosterone than men do so let's say a guy gains 10 lbs of muscle in 1 year it would take you 10 years to do the same. Another thing from your diet take out starches bananas, rice, potatoes they are used more for staying big, Take out tofu/soy from your diet its full of estrogen, it messes up with your hormones it helps you store fat, it makes you have "wings" in your triceps lol. Hope that helps

    Mind providing links to why you think starches are bad?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member


    Haven't you ever seen one of these: images79-1.jpg
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member


    Haven't you ever seen one of these: images79-1.jpg

    1! 1 Flying Banana! AH HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAA!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Another thing from your diet take out starches bananas, rice, potatoes they are used more for staying big, Take out tofu/soy from your diet its full of estrogen, it messes up with your hormones it helps you store fat, it makes you have "wings" in your triceps lol. Hope that helps
    You were good up until that point...

    You don't know what you're talking about.

    Yeah, I thought it was Red Bull that gives you wings. Come to find out, it's bananas? OMG!
