i just took horrible before pictures!

omigosh - it's one thing to see yourself in the mirror, and another to see yourself on film! needless to say, i will not be posting them until if have some after pictures to pair them with! and i think that will happen, especially being connected to so many people going through the same thing - so inspirational! but i'm really proud of myself because even after i saw my pictures and had my little gagging fit, i went right upstairs and did my workout as planned - i'm the type that could have looked at those photos and then thought 'why bother - i'll never change', but i didn't. so yay for me! i am currently bathed in sweat, sweat in my eyes, in dire need of a bath and i feel great, photos or no!


  • mrsgiffin
    awesome girl!!! I feel the same damn way!! I want to take some pics of me in a bathing suit that I got from victoria secret last year but I dont want to see the pics. But I feel like it will give me some inspiration to look good in the bathing suit by the time I need to wear it. I am going to take them today but probably won't post them either. Good luck with everything!
  • thisemmabites
    I took some pictures too and I think it was good to get a good look. I mean I've spent years just looking at my face in the mirror. It's time to face the rest! It's so awesome that you kicked it up and worked out! Keep it up! I tell myself it's time to work out, and no matter how I feel or how tired and sore I am, I just get it done. I feel so much better after! Here's to all of our AFTER pictures!!!!!
  • m0m2three
    YAY YOU!!! I actually keep a couple of really yucky pictures handy for encouragement. Just taking a peek pushes me to get er done & it also keeps me motivated when I am haveing cravings. Keep on keeping on!!!

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  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    It really is an eye opener to take the before shots. I really don't understand how people can look so different in the mirror than on film... but I took mine in a bikini i wanted to be able to wear when I weighed 50 pounds more. It's really motivational to see how far I've come. I can't wait to see the after shots!
  • ljbouse
    ljbouse Posts: 129
    :bigsmile: Keep up the positive thinking!!!! You will be posting those pics in no time:bigsmile:
  • murraygal21
    murraygal21 Posts: 10 Member
    OMG feel the exact same way. I actually was standing in a dressing room trying on a really cute dress right before thanksgiving when I realized I needed to do something about my body. I took a picture right then and started my diet that very day.

    I've taken a picture every 3 weeks since and have them photoshopped side-by-side with dates on them ... I am too embarassed to post, too but the difference amazes me and it really baffles me how I ever let myself get that way. it just shows you that we see ourselves so much differently than what actually is showing up in the mirror -- and then one day, the blinders come off and we see what others see -- and in my case, it was awful.

    The new me, even though I am not done losing weight, is sassy, sexy and so much more the person I feel like I am inside. I even see people responding to me differently when I am out. And it is empowering and amazing that I actually have the control.