Timing exercise for concentrated work

Exercise has improved my overall mental sharpness & mood, but it rattles me for anything involving reading/writing, for at least the next few hours. It makes me hate sitting. I'd much rather just go outside & do things & talk to people and be alive, and stuff.

Anyone settle on a good rhythm for working out re writing, studying, etc?


  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Anyone? (Especially, anyone with ADHD?)

    So restless after a workout!

    Sorry: the question is - if you have to do concentrated work (with numbers, data, words), what is the optimal time to work out for you, in order to get yourself in the right state (calm, willing to accept sitting down)?
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I'm trying again! Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? ....
  • It's different for everyone. What works for me might not be enough, or it might be too much for you. Trial and error has always worked for me.
  • I usually workout after working all day, so I've already done the numbers/concentrating thing before I hit the gym. Then I can use any leftover energy to tackle the stuff at home, like laundry;cooking; etc, that doesn't take as much focus.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    It's different for everyone. What works for me might not be enough, or it might be too much for you. Trial and error has always worked for me.

    Thank you for answering.

    I agree, responses are hugely variable, and the specific timings will differ, but I'm just wondering how many hours after a workout people generally take to settle down.

    In my case, even if I push my workouts closer to morning (am a night owl/insomniac), I'm still anti-sitting til about 10pm or so.

    What works for you, then?

    Wondering if people have had luck with yoga after a workout, for example.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I usually workout after working all day, so I've already done the numbers/concentrating thing before I hit the gym. Then I can use any leftover energy to tackle the stuff at home, like laundry;cooking; etc, that doesn't take as much focus.

    Aha! That's great! I study and work from home, so my day tends to start later than most. I like the idea of starting with a workout, but it's obviously not working. Thank you :)
  • I generally do my exercise in the morning ( I walk five morning miles daily) and it is a powerfully motivating start for me. When I exercise in the evening, I find that the harder I workout, the quicker i am to yearn for my bed and the better my night of sleep will be.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I generally do my exercise in the morning ( I walk five morning miles daily) and it is a powerfully motivating start for me. When I exercise in the evening, I find that the harder I workout, the quicker i am to yearn for my bed and the better my night of sleep will be.

    Thank you - makes sense!
  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    I'm studying all day for a board exam and so look forward to my workouts as a way to get some air and stop thinking so much haha. but i have to put my workouts at the end of the day, since afterwards i have usually no desire to get back to sitting and other things I want to do (make shake, shower, etc)