Not feeling supported



  • rwhawkes
    rwhawkes Posts: 117 Member
    I started MFP on Labour Day this year and started to try to clean up my act. I genuinely feel that tracking calories is a great thing because until you know what you're consuming, trying to lose weight isn't going to happen.

    My wife wasn't unsupportive, but wasn't completely on board either, but now that I have lost 20 lbs and am feeling better, and still gung ho after a couple months, she is on board as well. She joined about a week ago.

    She wasn't losing any weight prior to joining and the 1st day she tracked her calories and it was around 800 and she is 5'10 and a bit over 220. So I told her that she should start eating more calories to lose weight. Oh the irony of it all.

    This week we made a couple delicious recipes out of and we're on it together now.

    So the point of my ramble is that maybe if you hit it hard and start to lose weight and feel better and all your clothes fit loose, maybe your DH will see that this is a good thing and get on board too.
  • candirose69
    I have a dear husband who can eat what ever he wants and is the size of my thigh :S

    He is supportive of me to a degree, i mean he has always said im beautiful and dont need to loose wieght but sicne i have started trying he doesnt stop me going to the gym or anything.

    However he has no itnerest. He doenst want to go to the gym, he wants to drink coke and eat chocolate biscuits and play his vide games...

    I decided that i had to be my encourgaement to go the gym and eat right....if he doesnt like what i cook for dinner there are pizzas in the freezer for him...if he doesnt want to come to the gym ill go on my own and he can stayn home (and put the washing on the line lol)