Need support to stay motivated...

Hello there,
I am just returning. I found this program to be great but I do miss the postive feedback that weight watchers provided. I am hoping to establish some great friends here so we can encourage one another to keep going!!. I have about 50 pounds to loose. Believe it or not, but I put on all the weight while teaching. Between the papers, teaching, post grad work and being a mom and wife, I was too tired for the gym and fast food was dinner on the way home. In the past year I have made a complete lifestyle change and am working towards a better "me". I work out..a lot but still find it very hard to lose weight. I just hit the big 40 recently but do not want to spend my 40s' putting on another 50 pounds.
So, if you want to be part of this new life journey, friend me and we can do it together!!


  • Most people who sit at home do not overeat because they are hungry. They overeat because they are bored. Get up, get moving, get out, Live Life. Don't live to eat. Eat to Live.