Yo yo dieter addicted to chocolate

Hi all,
I am yo yo dieter that just cant say no! I love food and it loves me - too much! I indulge in chocolate and carbs, and just cant seem to stop eating.
I lost 25 kgs (going from 85kgs to 60kgs) from 2007 to 2008 by using diet pills from my GP, and i became a fitness freak- exercising 7 days a week for at least 2 hrs a day. I got down to my goal weight but my mind was frazzled and emotionally i was a wreck. I wasnt happy- i couldnt understand why all my problems hadnt gone away since i was skinny now. So over the past 2 years i have put it all back on and now i am a blob that sits on the couch eating chocolate. I just weighed myself in and the number - 87.7! My body is flabby and squishy, i feel uncomfortable all the time, and i huff and puff walking up 2 sets of stairs.
The truth is harsh!
But, its a new day and a new determination and commitment has been made.
I vow to get my body healthy and my mind happy!


  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Maybe you should focus on losing weight a bit slower.

    Eat healthy and exercise, but don't overdo it and still allow yourself the occasional treat.
    This way it will affect you less emotionally and you will also be able to keep it up for the rest of your life, instead of constantly yoyo-ing.
  • SP2Bfit
    SP2Bfit Posts: 114
    been there...done that....

    hopefully you take a good look at the emotional reasons why you do what you do and address the underlying reasons you engage in your binges...also figure out what you can do as replacement behaviors to address your emotions/needs rather than food or excessive excersize.

    I've come far in controlling my emotional eating...but it took a lot of self reflection and work on changing my coping skills...still not perfect but doing well. My blog has references on dealing with emotional eating that you may find helpful--they helped me a lot. If you are serious about learning to be healthier in your relationship with food I'd be happy to connect.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    With the chocolate thing - some people find that the only way they can stop over-eating it is to cut it out altogether. For me, I found that I crave it much less since I started allowing myself some every day, accounting for it in my calorie intake, and refusing to feel guilty about it. I'm talking 100-200 calories worth, not half of my day's intake or anything. Logging calories helps me to control it, and in the meantime, I've been working hard on the psychological side of emotional eating. I would still say that I am an emotional eater, but it's much more under control. I know that I can eat chocolate (or whatever else) if I want to, and these days, I'm often not even that bothered. It takes time to break the habits of a lifetime, and it takes time to deal with any underlying issues that make people turn to food (or drink, drugs, sex, whatever) to cope. While you're working on that stuff though, logging calories on MFP can be a really useful tool to keep things under control.

    You already know that losing the weight doesn't "fix" everything, so maybe try and take the time now to sort your head out at the same time as you're getting physically healthy. Good luck! :flowerforyou: