Peeps with Calcium deficiencies, listen up!

SaBh93 Posts: 114 Member
A few years back my calcium (tested via blood test) was so low that my GP was threatening me with the possibility of calcium injections. I was 16!
Anyway, after I moved to England and got my calcium levels tested again, it was rather low. After about a year and a half it was on the high end of normal.

I had a discussion with the doctor about this because I did not have any calcium supplements throughout the year, but I did have some dairy. I've been tracking the amount of calcium in the foods I ate, but the records show that I never got to 100 percent of the RDA. The GP agreed that the absorption of calcium could have been from my saturated fat, and vit D intake (think full-fat cheese, whole milk) which increased my calcium levels.

I have hypothyroid, I believe it leaches the calcium from your system (mom, friend and I had similar problems)- so if you are in the same situation as I was in, increase your sat fat+vit d+calcium in FOOD, not multivitamins and this should help.

Anyone who has seen my dairy knows I'm a cheese addict- I have about 200gs of soft cheese in a week. This works for me as my BP, Glucose, general health is fine (albeit on the low side at times).

**I realise that some people don't do too well with dairy, or have heart problems, but this is what has worked for me in light of hypothyroidism. It's just my opinion, and do what it good for you.