I'm confident I'm gonna succeed now!

BigdaddyJ Posts: 357
edited September 20 in Success Stories
Hey everybody!

Just taught i'd share my experience of the last few weeks with all of you!

First of all, let me introduce my self, i'm a BIG eater!! It's not a joke, I used to go true a 40 pack of timbits while watching TV! (ok I'd let my mife have 5-6). I used to have 7-8 chocolate chips cookies for dessert, i used to eat 1800 calories for breakfast!!!

Today concludes the 4th week of what I call my food detox. In the last 4 weeks I had 0 Timbits, 1 M&M cookie, 0 beer, 0 chocolate, 0 potato chips, 0 anything bad!!!

I've been eating within my calorie goals exept once, I went over by 28!

I've been exercising AT LEAST 30 min a day!

I feel great, i feel like I could move a mountain, and it's only the beggining!!

But most importantly, I feel like I'm finaly gonna do it!, After countless attempts at loosing weight I realy think i'm gonna do it!

What's different this time?

I see it differently, I'm not on a diet, i'm in the process of PERMANENTLY changing my lifestyle. I really think that's the only way to go when a person has been batling with weight issues all his life.

Will I ever eat junk again? Probably! but from now on I'll have controle, and after loosing all that weight I'll try to be smart enough to make the healthier choice when possible!!

Thank you to my family and friends on MFP for all the support, that's 90% of the reason for my succes so far!!!



  • It's great to hear you are so positive and hear how well you have done so far!!

    Keep at it!! :drinker:
  • Mommy08
    Mommy08 Posts: 73 Member
    GREAT ATTITUDE :) Keep the positivity rolling!!!!
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Awesome dude, keep it up! You can't beat that healthy, fit and active feeling and once you have it, you can't go back to your old lifestyle, no way! I can tell you'll see this through to the end...and enjoy it too! Well done!
  • becca09
    becca09 Posts: 54 Member
    I know i actually feel that this time im going to end up being the weight ive always wanted to be.
    Calorie counting and exercising is actually working. People have always said that exercise more and eat less but i didnt think it would drop off me this quick. i actually lost 7 pounds in 3 days and i dont even know how, i had chocolate on one of those days and a low fat curry and popadoms and exercised on the two days and i lost half a stone. i was sooo thrilled.
  • FitSeachely
    FitSeachely Posts: 74 Member
    You are well on your way and have already achieve the greatest success by changing your way of thinking
  • Laches pas JF.....tu m'inspire à continuer. Je vais suivre tes progrès et m'en inspirer

  • Well done on your journey so far.

    Everytime I mentioned the word "diet" my brain would suddenly send a signal to my tastebuds that they wanted something naughty and I would be starting the "Monday morning diet" again week after week.

    Then Christmas came and I told myself that I would start a diet in the new year, no pint in starting something when there was all that yummy food around to tempt me. Always there with the excuses.

    Then on Boxing Day my partners sister took a photo of our kids and unbeknown to me I was in the background. When she showed me the picture I nearly died, the kids looked so cute and then there was me in the background. I took up all of the chair and all you could see were rolls and rolls of fat.

    I went home and cried to myself and suddenly it was like a light bulb went on in my head and I realised I was the only one who could change the way I was feeling and instead of starting the "Monday Morning Diet" all over again I decided it was time to change for good.

    So I am now on a healthy eating plan and my brain hasn't told my tastebuds that I want something naughty, and if I do I just have a smaller serving to satisfy myself, more often than not I can talk myself out of it. But if I can't I don't beat myself up about it like I would have done before and given up, I just eat better the next day.

    So far so good as this is the first time I have seen the difference quickly. I have lost 9lbs and already it has given me the motivation to keep going.

    Good luck with your journey x
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Back the truck up there skippy,,, you said - - "0 beer".

    I'm assuming that's a Zero. No beer? Huh? That there's crazy talk. I'm all for good health and losing weight, and I don't remember the last time I had a 3rd beer (and rarely do I have a 2nd in one sitting,,,). But Zero?

    Ok, more power to ya'. But remember, there's nothing special about the calories in beer. It's just carbohydrate, same as a portion of rice or potato or whatever. If you have the calories in your budget there's nothing wrong with a brewski here and there. Heck, a couple times I've been low on calories and gone out on a good hard 45 minute bicycle ride just to earn a Guinness!

    Hehehe,,, it's a fun game we play ain't it? :drinker: :laugh:
  • Back the truck up there skippy,,, you said - - "0 beer".

    I'm assuming that's a Zero. No beer? Huh? That there's crazy talk. I'm all for good health and losing weight, and I don't remember the last time I had a 3rd beer (and rarely do I have a 2nd in one sitting,,,). But Zero?

    Ok, more power to ya'. But remember, there's nothing special about the calories in beer. It's just carbohydrate, same as a portion of rice or potato or whatever. If you have the calories in your budget there's nothing wrong with a brewski here and there. Heck, a couple times I've been low on calories and gone out on a good hard 45 minute bicycle ride just to earn a Guinness!

    Hehehe,,, it's a fun game we play ain't it? :drinker: :laugh:

    yeah I know, the problem is that when I started with one....it didn't stop there!! Don't get me wrong, I still have plenty of beer in the frige and I intend to drink sooner than later!! lol
  • doitforabby
    doitforabby Posts: 137 Member
    I am right there with ya! We did splurge & had pizza and wings for superbowl, but we had been planning it since 1/1/10! I can't live without it, so we planned it for a special occasion! Sure, I went over calories 1 day. Oh well, thats life! Its not going to kill me. Lifestyle change to me is the key also. No diet! I'm learning how to make healthy choices every day so I can 'splurge' on truly special occasions. Not making everyday a special occasion
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