Any nurses out there?

I just graduated nursing school and, boy, did I gain some weight!!! My main goal is to get healthier. I am almost 40 years old with four children ages from 19 to 11. It seems like I have always been putting everyone and everything before I take care of myself. But now I think that I am getting to the point that I can no longer keep up. I am getting more and more out of breath whenever I try to move around and it is time to put me first.

I have only been doing this for about one week, but so far it has been really easy. I am looking for some support. Need not be a nurse :)


  • Koukla_702
    Hi - I just started as well, I'm an ER/Trauma nurse - have been for about 6 years now and love it! I want to lose weight so I have more energy on my shifts. Feel free to add :)
  • Cori_Mac
    Cori_Mac Posts: 134 Member
    I'm a new nurse as well, and I also packed it on during nursing school. LOL About 40 pounds over the past 5 years, with much of that during the last 3. Yuck!

    Please feel free to add me. :) I look forward to cheering each other on!
  • Kempossible
    Kempossible Posts: 158 Member
    Im a nurse. CVICU background. Just recently moved into PACU. Feel free to add :flowerforyou:
  • NurseAshoRN
    NurseAshoRN Posts: 68 Member
    Just passed my NCLEX last week!! Most of my weight was put on during the early years (of 5) I've taken about 65lbs off this year. Feel free to add me :)
  • cindycrn40
    Hi!! :)
    Yes, I am a nurse too. I go up and down in my weight, but since starting night shift I have gained. I am determined to lose it though!!!!!!
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I'm nearly a nurse, (theres just 11 weeks and one essay between me and that registration) and this last year has seen me doing a lot of sitting in front of the pc and piling on a lot of nasty pounds. Working 12 hour shifts doesn't exactly help either. I'll send you an add aswell and feel free to add me to others who've replied :happy:
  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    .I'm not a nurse yet (I just started nursing school). Im going to try my hardest not to gain weight. Studying at night is my downfall. I cant stop snacking.
  • mangoos
    mangoos Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me.I am a nurse,too...and I did gain most of my weight when I was a permanent night shift. You know...keep on eating to stay awake kinda' thing??!!:laugh: Well, it is not a very good idea.
    I've been here at this site for 5 months now and I lost 10lbs so far.
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    I am a nurse. I have been one for about a year. I work in Women's Health. Love my job. My last semester in nursing school I started my weight loss journey and by July of 2011 I was down almost 65 pounds. Fast forward to me working night shifts for the last year and I have gained about 30-35 of it back. Ughhhh! I am back on it. I have lost about 15 pounds so far and have about another 20lb to go. It's amazing, one would think that with being on my feet for 12 hours three times a week weight gaining wouldn't be a problem. But the problem is my amazing patients that want to show thanks and bring fudge, cookies, cakes, etc. and my lack of will power. Also, my hospital has a "healthy u" menu option during the day shift that has to be low fat, low sodium and under 500 calories for the meal but they don't have that at night. So when I don't pack my own lunches, I was getting whatever (BLT's are my fav) but now am back to salads and a new vegan diet. Love meeting other nurses! :happy:
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    Just passed my NCLEX last week!! Most of my weight was put on during the early years (of 5) I've taken about 65lbs off this year. Feel free to add me :)

    CONGRATS!!!! :drinker:
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    Im a nurse at a county prison. I joined this site to help me have better control with my eating and to help me keep track of what I put in my mouth. I love this site. The ppl on here are very supportive (most of them) feel free to add me
  • sungminez
    I'm in nursing school! I try to keep fit and healthy because how can I take care of someone else, if I let even myself go? :P
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm a med/surg oncology nurse for the last 7 years. I graduated nursing school at 21 years old and steadily packed on the pounds until I hit almost 145lbs last December. Working long shifts, some of them night shifts, and eating for energy really screwed me up! So I climbed on the wagon and have lost and maintained at 120-125 ever since then.

    Being a nurse leads me to emotional eating, so that's been the hardest thing to avoid! :) Feel free to add me, any of you fellow nurses!
  • ARHiker
    ARHiker Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I am an ER/Trauma nurse and love it. I did gain weight in nursing school but I am slowly reversing all that. I need to get back to school and keep going but I gain weight when I study.... :/
  • nursekatiet
    Hey Nurse Friends~! I am a Public Health Nurse...and have been at this weight loss game for years! I am lacking motivation at present, and really want to get down to my goal weight by the spring! Looking for motivation, and some support!! :)
  • OnyxPenguin82
    I'm an animal nurse! please feel free to add me!
  • Skeeto123
    Skeeto123 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I have been nursing since 1998. Work, school and my kids have been my life. I found it very hard to take time for me the reuslt was ...... I gained weight. Shift work was a killer for me and my health. My feet gave out about 4 years ago and I was on disability for almost 3 years. Now I have been working in Public Health and am doing very well I dropped 30 lbs in on year but hurt my knee exercising and have been off two months now. I gained 10 lbs back!!! Yesterday I started on this site and I hope it helps. :happy:
  • ChrissyRMiller
    ChrissyRMiller Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 1/3 of the way through nursing school. I'm in a fast track program, so we go to school year round with a total of 6 semesters. Durring the first semester I actually lost 15 pounds, but this semester I have sadly gained most of it back. Starting tomorrow I'm kicking up my workouts and I'll be trying to resist all of my favorite foods (fries, burgers, cheeze-its, and junk food in general). Plus, I've already signed up for a 5K mud run in April and a tough mudder in September 2013. Now I have two fantastic goals, so I can keep on track with healthy eating and exercise!
  • bashiera
    bashiera Posts: 140 Member
    I'm an LPN right now going back to school for my RN, and I have definitely put on the weight during nursing school. I'm almost to my last semester, and I was making good progress until my third semester, and I gained it all back D: so now I'm working to reverse the damage done. feel free to add me!
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I'm an OLD nurse - 31 years in this profession, most of it in ED/Trauma. I've recently moved into PACU. Talk about a change of pace! I must admit it's nice to slow down a little. The first weight gain I ever had was in nursing school sitting in class all day, sitting doing homework all night. Right now I'm looking forward to retirement although that's still 10 years away.