Diet Devotion - March 12

2 Chronicles 15:2
'. . .The Lord is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you.'

In this day and age, promises are made easily and just as easily broken. We promise ourselves that we are going to lose weight, then we turn around and cheat at every possible chance. For this reason, we ought to include God in our diets. Whereas we might break promises that we make to ourselves, we stand a much better chance of keeping the promises we make to God. When we break promises to ourselves, we have no one to answer to, but when we break our promises to God, He expects us to explain. Promising God that we will lose weight makes dieting much easier.
Today's thought: I will lose weight for God's sake!, devotional for dieters

I have a couple things to say about today's devotional. I think that a lot of people tend to make promises to God flippantly, not really serious about the committments they're making. I mean how many times have you heard people say "I swear to God...." some telling the truth, some lying, but most not realizing what their words mean. making a vow to God or before God is something very serious. We do have to answer to the Lord for the promises we break.

now with that being said I don't think that promising God that we will lose weight will make it easier.... in some ways it makes it harder....because I know personally that promising something to someone often puts added pressure on you to make sure you do what you say. I've always wanted to lose weight, but I've never made promises about it because I never thought I could do it before. Yes I do want to lose weight for God's sake and I can promise Him now that I will lose weight, because I know He's called me to do this, and I know He will never call to me to do something without giving me the stregth to do it!!



  • PammyB3130
    PammyB3130 Posts: 203
    2 Chronicles 15:2
    '. . .The Lord is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you.'

    In this day and age, promises are made easily and just as easily broken. We promise ourselves that we are going to lose weight, then we turn around and cheat at every possible chance. For this reason, we ought to include God in our diets. Whereas we might break promises that we make to ourselves, we stand a much better chance of keeping the promises we make to God. When we break promises to ourselves, we have no one to answer to, but when we break our promises to God, He expects us to explain. Promising God that we will lose weight makes dieting much easier.
    Today's thought: I will lose weight for God's sake!, devotional for dieters

    I have a couple things to say about today's devotional. I think that a lot of people tend to make promises to God flippantly, not really serious about the committments they're making. I mean how many times have you heard people say "I swear to God...." some telling the truth, some lying, but most not realizing what their words mean. making a vow to God or before God is something very serious. We do have to answer to the Lord for the promises we break.

    now with that being said I don't think that promising God that we will lose weight will make it easier.... in some ways it makes it harder....because I know personally that promising something to someone often puts added pressure on you to make sure you do what you say. I've always wanted to lose weight, but I've never made promises about it because I never thought I could do it before. Yes I do want to lose weight for God's sake and I can promise Him now that I will lose weight, because I know He's called me to do this, and I know He will never call to me to do something without giving me the stregth to do it!!
