:drinker: :cry: This holiday weekend was a wreck to my diet and my body...
I actually feel like **** because of everything I’ve eaten Thurs&Friday...
I was eating so clean for so long my body could not handle the surger.
I got into a major depression and sick from the over dose of surger..
Today Sunday I'm finally feeling better...tommarow i'll stasrt my running again.
I'll so know better at CHRISTMAS DINNER and the days before and after..:drinker: :wink:

:drinker: P.S. Wish me and everyone else w/ the same problem as me, which is HOLIDAY FOOD!!!!!:smile::drinker:


  • I am in the same boat....Ate holiday meals at other people's homes..Did so in moderation, but when I weighed this morning (which I do once a week on the same day) I had gainned 1 lb back...I know it is because of the stuff I don't eat or eat in small quantities, that could not be avoided..pull up our bootstraps and move on, we have a month before the next major battle...Back to the routine.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I ate everything in sight, gained 2lbs and then this morning was at my lowest weight thus far. Meh. A of couple days won't change anything unless you let it keep you from getting back to your normal routine.
  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    I'm pretty sure that my temporary weight gain is all sodium-related. I watch it pretty closely during "normal" times when I'm home to cook and know what I'm eating with any kind of accuracy. I don't even want to know how much sodium I've consumed over the last few days.

    Currently, I'm guzzling all the water I can so that I can flush it all out of my system and move on with my regular routine.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I ate everything in sight, gained 2lbs and then this morning was at my lowest weight thus far. Meh. A of couple days won't change anything unless you let it keep you from getting back to your normal routine.

    Yes! This happened to me too. I ate eeeeeeeeverything and I feel awesome today. Sometimes a change in your eating routine is for the best. I'm back in routine today!
  • blueeyedrunner71
    blueeyedrunner71 Posts: 30 Member
    2 LBS..:drinker: