Skipping a day of workout leading to weight gain?!

So today is my last day of Thanksgiving Break before I head back to school tonight (it's just a couple hour drive). Well I wanted to enjoy my last day at home so my mom and I went out to run some errands and had lunch at Panera Bread. I got a Pick 2 with a half roasted turkey sandwich (turkey, lettuce, tomato, country bread) and a half bowl of broccoli cheddar. That together was about 410 calories. On top of that I had a big baguette (at least 100-200 calories)...and then I had a big cookie :( at a whopping 440 calories. Altogether this meal was like 37 grams of fat!! I feel so guilty that I could just die right now.

My daily goal is around 1400 but I usually end up around like 1100-1200. That meal alone was around 1080!!! I won't have a chance to workout today though because I have to pack up, drive back to school, unpack, work on homework, and get ready to get back to class tomorrow morning!

As long as I eat very light for dinner and drink a lot of water, will this day of not working out wreck my progress???? Being home has really put a damper on my exercising habits. It's just a lot easier to have access to a gym while at school, so while at home I only worked out Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday (Not last Monday, Thursday, or today, Sunday).

Previously I was doing about 45 minutes to an hour at the gym almost everyday, sometimes with a day off once a week or so. But on those days I still ate healthy. But here at home I've been slipping up a lot on top of skipping workouts!!!

So honestly, somebody please help me and tell me what's going to happen!! I can't stand the guilt.


  • dlbinin
    dlbinin Posts: 66 Member
    One day will NOT ruin anything. Relax. Lots of people on here do a "cheat day" once a week or once a month and lose weight just fine. Your fine.
  • jt0405
    jt0405 Posts: 3 Member
    One day will not hurt. Now that you know today is your cheat day go big. Eat everything you have been craving, make it a 6000 calorie day. Your body wont retain that many calories, you'll be fine. Having a cheat day only works if you go really big on cheating, rather then miss your calorie mark by a couple of 100 everyday.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    One day will NOT ruin anything. Relax. Lots of people on here do a "cheat day" once a week or once a month and lose weight just fine. Your fine.

    ^^ This

    Plus, if you are only 20 years old and exercising regularly, it would seem that your daily goal is too small. The extra calories will probably do your body some good.
  • MissFitee
    MissFitee Posts: 106 Member
    1000 kcal equals about 0.3 pounds(150 gram), if im not mistaken, not very much if you think about it.
    If your goal is to stay 500 kcal under your maintenance kcal every day then you'll be back on track in 2 days tops.
    Exercising is actually the lesser factor in losing weight. Especially strength training.

    Now, don't be alarmed if you step on the scales and see a big increase when you get back home. It's natural that after a feast you gain some extra water weight - this will come out the... natural way within a few days.

    Enjoy your quality time and just remember that if you're good most of the time, it's ok to go off-road once in a while. =)
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    A lot of us "cheated" all weekend... had dessert and even stuffing more than once this weekend. I tried to work out extra- but this was not an ideal weekend as far as nutrition goes - but these are the holidays!

    I plan on going back to logging and getting extra cardio all this week. For the most part its business as usual tomorrow and for the foreseeable future as far as fitness and eating goes.

    Dont beat yourself up- work out when you can- and eat well this week. I have been on the scale all weekend and I dont recommend it - but its not that bad. Next week will be great - for all of us that get right back in the swing of doing the right things.
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    RELAX I know the feeling LOL but pick yourself use the guilt in the GYM extra callories use them as energy source for the GYM remember 1 day wont destroy you it will help you sometimes
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    Skipping a day of working out won't make you gain.

    Also, eating over one day won't hurt. Just don't let it go into another day and another day...that gets me sometimes.