PCOS Ladies



  • RoxySherwood89
    RoxySherwood89 Posts: 70 Member

    was diagnosed with PCOS and ENDO last year. Ive found that losing 50lbs so far has made my cycle more regular but not by a long shot 'normal' i still have a way to go but i do not take anything from the dr. i also suffer really bad body hair and this by far is the thing that bothers me the most :(
  • ladyspring
    ladyspring Posts: 7 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS too and the only medication my doctor gave me was an anti-androgen pill. My period has been back since but I still have the side effects - obesity, depression, unwanted hair etc. I haven't been back to my doctor for over a year. I'm planning to go back to check if I still have PCOS despite having regular period.

    To be honest, I wish I had gone to the doctor as soon as my monthly period stopped coming when I was in college. It could have been treated much sooner and I didn't have to experience depression. :/
  • rozeh_street
    I also have PCOS and I'm also obese. :/ I had a cyst but it got removed last May. Now, my doctor is trying to regulate my period.

    I just want to be out of obesity and at least have one child in my life.
  • sarahbrown1015
    sarahbrown1015 Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks for all of the responses!
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    I have PCOS and i will say the Extended Release Met is SO MUCH BETTER than standard Met- the side effects are far less!
  • pland54
    pland54 Posts: 132
    I have PCOS and am not overweight....that seems to be relatively unusual, and I know that it's a blessing, but in a way I feel like I fall through the cracks a bit because of it and I feel isolated. I'm 5'6" 110-115lbs.

    My PCOS symptoms are pretty severe: headaches every day, bad acne since I was 12 (I'm 25 now and it's still going strong), I'm losing a LOT of my hair, no recognizable periods but constant spotting (so annoying), one miscarriage- not trying to get pregnant again right now...the list goes on and on!

    Despite all these symptoms, I feel like my doctors are marginalizing my concerns because I don't have weight to lose. I'm trying to change my diet a lot (to be lower glycemic) and I drink spearmint tea every day for its anti-androgen effects, but I've had minimal success. So far no prescription meds.

    It's comforting to find you ladies. Best of luck in your weight loss goals, and I hope we all have success stories to tell soon.
  • pland54
    pland54 Posts: 132
    Oh, I meant to mention that I'm also taking a hair, skin, and nails vitamin. It has a lot of biotin in it. I haven't noticed much of a change so far, but it has only been 1 month. Have any of you ladies had success with vitamins?
  • lamibe
    lamibe Posts: 6 Member
    I was diagnosed a few years ago. I am on the extended release formula of metformin, which has been much easier on my system than the regular version that they tried me on a couple of years ago when I first started. I didn't actually stick with it too long the first time around because it was so miserable. it's hard to really report what has been going on with my cycle though because I've been on and off of different fertility meds for about four years. Without fertility meds like clomid or femara, I've only had three natural cycles in the past seven years. Each time I had one was when I was really in much better shape though, exercising regularly and eating clean. Over this past summer we were finally able to get pregnant for the first time, but I miscarried at 11 weeks. They say that the baby lived through about 9 /12 weeks, which was coincidentally (or maybe not) just one week after they took me off of metformin.
  • readbooks25
    Wow - lots of great information. I have been prescribed Metformin for potential PCOS, and I didn't realize that the med caused most of the symptoms listed previously. I've wondered what was going on, so thank you for sharing! This fall I have committed to a healthier lifestyle, and I'm focusing on foods that fit the Eat Clean diet - less processed, more natural. I'm also learning about my dosha - I'm a kapha who doesn't lose weight easily and is stubborn :) I have the acne, hair issues, stubborn belly fat.
  • NoahsMommy926
    NoahsMommy926 Posts: 2 Member
    I have PCOS and have dealt with it since I was 16. My biggest obstacle was infertility and hormonal imbalance.

    The biggest thing I am going to stress to you, is if you are thinking of taking Metformin as a way to help your body regulate itself, make sure your blood glucose will tolerate it. I was trying to get on it, but was told my sugars done with lab work were too low to initate that kind of treatment. It would not be pleasant for you deal with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) because then people will be pumping you full of high calorie/high sugar foods/snacks.

    Also, my doctor had me change up my diet configuration eating substaintually more protein (30% of daily intake) and significantly less carbs (I want to say 40%?). Exact diet adjustments might be better determined by an endocrinoligist as it is part of their specialty or from there they might refer you to a nutritionist that will help you define a eating plan specific to you and your metabolism. And when eating carbs only sticking to the whole grains or those found in naturally in foods.

    Good luch with everything. :wink:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    why like crap??? I started it on Monday and so far just some minor stomach issues.

    It very well could have been that my diet was THAT bad. If you eat foods with a high fat content, metformin will let you know. Even though my doctor told me this repeatedly I didn't listen. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones with no side effects :)

    So how many and what kind of carbs do you eat in a day?

    Low carb and off sugar definitely helps women with PCOS........I wouldn't go too low but 100-150 g's is probably a good monitoring point, and journal everything.
  • emmaaleanne
    emmaaleanne Posts: 27 Member
    I have PCOS and am not overweight....that seems to be relatively unusual, and I know that it's a blessing, but in a way I feel like I fall through the cracks a bit because of it and I feel isolated. I'm 5'6" 110-115lbs.

    My PCOS symptoms are pretty severe: headaches every day, bad acne since I was 12 (I'm 25 now and it's still going strong), I'm losing a LOT of my hair, no recognizable periods but constant spotting (so annoying), one miscarriage- not trying to get pregnant again right now...the list goes on and on!

    Despite all these symptoms, I feel like my doctors are marginalizing my concerns because I don't have weight to lose. I'm trying to change my diet a lot (to be lower glycemic) and I drink spearmint tea every day for its anti-androgen effects, but I've had minimal success. So far no prescription meds.

    It's comforting to find you ladies. Best of luck in your weight loss goals, and I hope we all have success stories to tell soon.

    I'm the same- I have PCOS but I am a normal weight (5'6'' or so, and 139lbs). I have bad acne and a bit of facial hair (which isn't too hard to get rid of, mind you). And maybe one period per year. So I definitely know how you feel, although you are a much lower end of the normal weight spectrum. My friend also has lean-type PCOS, which is rather strange that we both have that type when its the rarest form!

    What I have been doing is cutting out pretty much all sugar, and eating low-GI foods. It has had a great impact on my energy levels, and I'm hoping my acne will improve as a result. Maybe you could try this, but still eating enough so that you don't lose weight?

    Good luck! :)
  • tmhpkns84
    I have PCOS as well, and I'm trying to conceive. My doctor told me to diet (I am 5'4 weight 223) , the only main problem I have is an irregular cycle and I am currently taking provera to help me with that.

    I did a round of clomid to see if I am fertile and yes I am, it's just difficult right now being in a long distance relationship. So I'm going to try my hardest with the weight loss and go from there.
  • pland54
    pland54 Posts: 132
    I have PCOS and am not overweight....that seems to be relatively unusual, and I know that it's a blessing, but in a way I feel like I fall through the cracks a bit because of it and I feel isolated. I'm 5'6" 110-115lbs.

    My PCOS symptoms are pretty severe: headaches every day, bad acne since I was 12 (I'm 25 now and it's still going strong), I'm losing a LOT of my hair, no recognizable periods but constant spotting (so annoying), one miscarriage- not trying to get pregnant again right now...the list goes on and on!

    Despite all these symptoms, I feel like my doctors are marginalizing my concerns because I don't have weight to lose. I'm trying to change my diet a lot (to be lower glycemic) and I drink spearmint tea every day for its anti-androgen effects, but I've had minimal success. So far no prescription meds.

    It's comforting to find you ladies. Best of luck in your weight loss goals, and I hope we all have success stories to tell soon.

    I'm the same- I have PCOS but I am a normal weight (5'6'' or so, and 139lbs). I have bad acne and a bit of facial hair (which isn't too hard to get rid of, mind you). And maybe one period per year. So I definitely know how you feel, although you are a much lower end of the normal weight spectrum. My friend also has lean-type PCOS, which is rather strange that we both have that type when its the rarest form!

    What I have been doing is cutting out pretty much all sugar, and eating low-GI foods. It has had a great impact on my energy levels, and I'm hoping my acne will improve as a result. Maybe you could try this, but still eating enough so that you don't lose weight?

    Good luck! :)

    Wow, it's always great to find someone that's just like me! I've been struggling with diet, for a number of reasons. I guess because growing up I was always underweight and just could not put it on, I was taught unhealthy eating habits because people just didn't want me to be malnourished. I eat way too much sugar, and it's a vicious cycle because I get very frequent headaches and have bouts of hypoglycemia and low blood pressure (none of which really make sense with PCOS, do they??). So, I feel tired all the time, to the point of falling asleep when I'm sitting still multiple times a day. I also get headaches A LOT.

    I'm trying to eat lower on the GI scale, but I'm still having struggles with feeling like crap with really bad sugar cravings. I also feel bloated and full a lot of the time, and I assumed I was eating normal amounts, but according to the mfp food log, I routinely eat less than 1500 calories a day!

    I feel all kinds of messed up, but it's nice to meet you, and I may be stealing some advice from your food logs :)
  • Asianaaaa
    Asianaaaa Posts: 57 Member
  • LusciousLady
    LusciousLady Posts: 43 Member
    So... I was diagnosed in August. I was so glad to get this diagnosis because I was starting to think I was crazy. I had been working super hard to change my eating and workout habits. Not just diet but to really change and I was getting no results for a year and a half which was very frustrating. How I kept at it I have no idea. So in August I bought a book and tried to regulate my insulin on my own At the suggestion of some very helpful women here, I also went grain free(mostly). The short question after that long explanation is, do you take Metformin? Has it helped? What can I expect? I'm not trying to get pregnant I just want my body to work as efficiently as it can. I am also minus a thyroid so basically I'm a hot hormonal mess... Any feedback is much appreciated.

    Hi!!! I also was diagnosed with PCOS and also minus a thyroid. Metformin was the worst for me, I couldn't get my body to sync with it and stayed sick. I could barely eat a cracker or drink water. Finally my doctor decided to take me off of it and sent me to a nutrionist for weekly visits. This was also hard because the weight just didn't want to seem to go anywhere but I stayed focus and dedicated and started to loose inches. In my case I was trying to get pregnant and needless to say I reached that goal. So whatever you decide just stay focused and good luck.!:smile:
  • ForTheSmile
    ForTheSmile Posts: 89 Member
    I take Metformin and it's helped me so much! It gave me terrible stomach issues for the few weeks (or months) and if I forget to take it for a day or two those symptoms come back for a little while, but it's worth it for me. My periods are more regular, my skin has cleared up, my mood swings are gone, and it also somehow helps me control my appetite. But the most important thing for me is that hopefully it will allow me to someday have a baby. :) I'm only 21 right now and unmarried, but you have to act quickly! My sister went untreated for too long and now she can't have children. :(
  • ForTheSmile
    ForTheSmile Posts: 89 Member
    why like crap??? I started it on Monday and so far just some minor stomach issues.

    It very well could have been that my diet was THAT bad. If you eat foods with a high fat content, metformin will let you know. Even though my doctor told me this repeatedly I didn't listen. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones with no side effects :)

    That explains so much! Every time I binge eat I get really sick. xD Well, that's great! Now I have even more reasons to avoid binges. :)
  • sara6795
    sara6795 Posts: 29 Member
    I was diagnosed at 14 and put on Metaformin for insulin resistance. My mom dragged me into the doctor's office because I hadn't had my period yet, but I was already a 34DD and had hit puberty years before (like in 4th grade). My doc prescribed Metaformin and it did help with my insulin levels, however, what really worked was stopping my sugar intake (3 years after diagnoses and seeing an endocrinologist)--and I started losing 5lb a week! I don't believe I stayed on Metaformin very long; maybe a few months or so. I ended up gaining the weight I lost back (and some extra) when I started to eat sugar again, but my insulin never shot up again. Twelve years later, and I have no problem menstruating on my own--and most of my symptoms are gone (even though I am at my heaviest weight).
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Hi, my name is Janet and I have PCOS .....

    We should have a support group! Our issues that other's don't understand:

    Why we eat 'normal' and gain weight

    How it takes 2 - 3x the effort to lose weight others can melt off

    Insulin Resistance and it's impact on life, diet, shape, metformin issues

    Body image (thanks to the potential side effects of being obese, hairy, and pimply...)

    Primary and secondary infertility and the frustration of hearing 'just lose weight and you'll get pregnant'

    My trainer has found a Metabolic Syndrome specialist (yes, this is yet another term for us) 2 hours from here that claims to get weight loss results in his patients by eliminating all corn and potatoes from the diet. I'm waiting for her to send me the name so I can research this further.