Which scales are more accurate?

bally Posts: 20
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Just wondering whether the 'old fashioned' scales that you stand on and the circluar paper/metal/ disc moves to show your weight or the digital scales are more accurate?

Thign is I would have said the digital ones excpet i weigh myself on two different digital ones and they give different readings. I try the old fashioned ones at Target before deciding to buy and three of them gave the SAME reading. Plus on the digital ones i'm weighing AT LEAST (because of the two different readings) six kilos more.

Who think's what is better?
Please help!



  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    Walmart has one called the Health-O-Meter and it cost me about $29.99 but I love it as it is very accurate and it has 4 user profiles and you can set it to track your weight loss and goals. It also tracks your water , fat ect. You can see the display in light or dark as it displays it in this pretty blue light color-forgot what they call that. Anyways I have purchased different scales from cheapos to expensive ones and so far this has been the best one and I couldn't be happier.

    Good Luck!
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    I have the same scale from Walmart and I love them..I can stand on it 5 diffrent times and always get the same reading..Also love that it shows the BMI and water hydration levels ...I also lets me look at my last weigh in..( like I would forget that..LOL) It was well worth the money...best investment I have made toward my new life style change..
  • bally
    bally Posts: 20
    That's geat thanks guys, but I'm in Asutralia so is there a brand that they're called or they like Walmarts own brand?
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    I purchased my Weight Watchers scale from Walmart about 3 years ago and love it. I think we paid about $30.00 for it and Its nothing fancy, just gives our weight in lbs and ozs, but I weigh in every Sunday morning and I weigh myself on it 2 times and it weighs the same both times. Seems to be very accurate, but then again, its the only scale I use.
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    no they are HEALTH O METER ... that is the brand that they are.. the scales are white with silver strips comming down where you stand..the strips are kind of curved a little..Hope this helps
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have a dial scale and a digital scale. The digital scale (which I think is also a health o meter) is much closer to every doctor's scale on which I've ever been weighed. It's also pretty consistent with the numbers it gives me. The dial scale reads about 13 pounds less but it's less accurate (assuming every doctor's scale I've ever been on isn't wrong -- which I think is a pretty safe assumption).
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