
Hi Im just curious if anyone here with hypothyroid has trouble losing weight in the winter and feels better in the summer? I always have trouble in the winter no matter what I change or don't change I don't know if its just me or if anyone else struggles with it. I also have seasonal depression and lots of people say vit D is good but not having the thyroid gland makes lots of things hard, even though im on synthroid which im only on 50mcgs which is very low :(.. Would love to hear that im not alone..


  • i'm in the same boat. I've had Hasimoto's for more than 20 years and always have problems with my thyroid and depression in the Fall/Winter months. Luckily my Dr.'s recognize this and we increase meds at that time. I also use a full spectrum light at work and I feel that helps too. My goal is to lose .5 pound a week, but very rarely happens. Also 1 year into menopause so I don't know if that's hindering weight loss too. Feels pretty frustrating.