Would you give up if you had my body?

I say that because of the stretchmarks. If you had awful stretchmarks on your tummy, would you even work at getting a better tummy? Other than fat, can the sagginess even really be repaired? Could I even tone it? I mean, when I lose weight it's going to get veery, veeery saggy.

Heres the pictures of how I used to be.


Heres my stomach now


Would you even care about your body anymore? I mean, can the sagginess even get fully better? Even if it gets way more saggy when I lose the 33 pounds I have left to lose.


  • ariesmom07
    ariesmom07 Posts: 57 Member
    I've seen people lose the sagginess and improve the looks of the stretchmarks. Honestly yours don't look that bad at all to me. After 2 c-sections and also being overweight for the last 15 yrs my body is going to be really saggy and I don't know that I will be able to get rid of the stretch marks but I'm okay with that lol to me they are badges of honor. But from your pics hun I don't think you would have a problem toning up at all.
  • katejaramillo
    katejaramillo Posts: 20 Member
    my stretch marks are about the same. the more weight i lose the less noticeable they've become. i had my second baby 9 months ago so they are still dark but the saggy-ness has gone away quite a bit. I don't really do core exercises, just running but it has tightened up considerably.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    It is not that bad. Unfortunately most women who have given birth experience much worse than this. The younger you are, the most likely that the skin will firm back and they fade away. I am going to give birth to my second baby in a month or so, and I 'll start my recovery from a far worse position. Not to mention that I am twice your age , hence my skin elasticity is fraction of yours. Still there is no reason not to try to get the best out of the situation. Maybe not the coming summer, but the me after that we all can rock in a bikini
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    If I had your body, I would not give up!! I've seen people start off with far worse than that and come out looking fabulous! Other mothers tell me stretch marks fade over time, and spray tan can help hide them. Often stretch marks don't really bother guys much, but a toned and healthy figure will! I don't know your reasons for wanting to get fit, but don't give up! If your stomach can't look perfect naked, maybe it can still look great in clothes! Usually it takes at least a year for loose skin to reattach (Depending on your age, skin elasticity, weight gain, etc.) Give it time and some hard work, you never know what you'll achieve if you don't!
  • Slim140
    Slim140 Posts: 66 Member
    My stomach bounced right back after I lost the baby weight. The stretch marks improved with the years (mine were really bad compared to yours). They are barely visible now. Concentrate on doing about 100 sit ups at night and you will see great improvement.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    Those are tiger stripes. Wear them proudly. They will fade.

    On the other hand, i know what you mean. I "hate" that my hips and legs demand a smaller skirt and pants, but my post-baby belly demands a larger size. It's super bad when I do a yoga move like plow. When my legs are towards the ceiling, my stomach falls from my hips to my lower ribs. I see my thinner hips. Oh, to get it cut off in a tummy tuck! If government healthcare included tummy tucks, I would have voted for Obama. LOL.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    But a toned & healthy body will get their attention!**
  • i was lucky not to get stretch marks with either baby but my skin did go back, i have some loose skin when i bend over or smush it together but when standing you cant yell anymore, dont give up!!!
    QTRARO Posts: 75 Member
    No I wouldn't give up at all! Stretch marks do seem to fade overtime.

    Be kind to yourself :)
  • Torgrills
    Torgrills Posts: 103 Member
    Keep toning and use cocoa butter, and like everyone else said they will eventually fade. As the saying goes (and I saw above), "Your body is NOT ruined. You are a god*&@ed TIGER and you earned your stripes." Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't deserve to have you, honey. You are beautiful and you can do this!
  • MoCrafter
    MoCrafter Posts: 20 Member
    I carried and gave birth to 5 babies, so I have lots of stretch marks. Plus the last one was an emergency C-section. I was cut from just below my belly button to my pubic bone. It left me looking like I have 2 bellies, vertically. I am still not giving up. I may never look great, but I just want to be healthy. Good luck, and please don't give up. I will just add, I am not ashamed of my stretch marks. I feel like I earned them. (grin)
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    I have stretch marks on the thighs, all from simply hitting my growth spurt when I was growing up. I used to find them annoying, but now that I can look down and see a 4 pack and know that I'm in better shape than 90% of the people I hang out with everyday, I don't mind them at all.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'd rather look slim in my clothes than fat in my clothes, even if my belly doesn't look perfect naked. But that's me.
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    I would do it to be healthy if nothing else. Abdominal fat is a major cause of some scary diseases.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    I've never had kids but I have lots of stretch marks from weight gain. They are all over... arms, legs, stomach, hips, breasts. They have faded a lot but I still get annoyed with them. I'm working on losing weight slowly so my skin doesn't get saggy, I'm 29yrs old, so hopefully it will be ok. Either way, I AIN'T GIVING UP!
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    No way, I don't even think it looks very bad, I think you will notice huge changes if you work on it and stick to it. Imagine if you had 133 pounds to lose, look how much longer it would take...
  • celshade
    celshade Posts: 131 Member
    All of our flaws are magnified when we aren't feeling good about ourselves.

    Do yourself a favor and hold on before judging yourself.

    Lose the weight, gain some muscle, and revisit the issue.

    The added confidence will change the "size" of those stretchmarks.
  • mylifeisbeautiful
    mylifeisbeautiful Posts: 292 Member
    Aww sweetie, of course it is possible to improve! No doubt about it!!! You can do it and will be happy you did :flowerforyou:
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    I'm not doing this to wear a bikini or look any particular way. I'm doing this to be healthier and have a better quality of life. And although I'm only about 1/4 the way to my goal, I already am seeing huge improvements. I'll have dreadful skin folds tummy and upper arm when I'm done. And if I can afford to have plastic surgery just to keep them from being a physical problem when I reach goal, great, if not, still great. Because I'll be able to walk where I want to, get on and off the bus without worrying about hurting myself, travel freely without carrying around all that extra baggage.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Of course not! I've seen huge improvements (naturally) in belly sag and even in stretch marks. How old is your baby? Stretch marks fade with time, and skin tightens. Yeah, you'll never be "perfect" but really how many people are? Your gave birth to a person!! You are awesome. Get the best, most healthy body you can. You can make great improvements, really. No sense in giving up before you even hit your goal.

    And no, it won't get saggier as you lose. It'll get tighter. Skin is remarkable.
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    I've had 4 c-sections & my stretch marks are not real pretty at all - but they are a constant reminder that I grew 4 healthy little people so I can't say I'm too bothered by them!!! Not planning to ever wear a bikini (!!) but if I can look decent in a 1-piece I'll be really happy!! :heart:
  • CristyMusicLovr
    CristyMusicLovr Posts: 179 Member
    There are lotions to firm and fade stretch marks and honestly yours don't look that bad! I think you have a great body and I probably have more than you from being over weight but I still love myself! You need love yourself! There are people with real health problems and don't complain about anything! Don't give up! Keep training and start applying good firming lotions in your tummy! Take care!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    My wife had some stretch marks after giving birth to our two boys. They are completely gone now. I do not remember exactly how long it took for them to fade, but it was not forever. It was a few years, at most.
    I think you should never give up. Look at me -- bald as a pool ball. I'll never challenge Daniel Craig for the title of "Dreamiest Man." But that is no reason not to try to look at good as I can. Besides, I feel so much better when I am fit and healthy and strong.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Of course not! I've seen huge improvements (naturally) in belly sag and even in stretch marks. How old is your baby? Stretch marks fade with time, and skin tightens. Yeah, you'll never be "perfect" but really how many people are? Your gave birth to a person!! You are awesome. Get the best, most healthy body you can. You can make great improvements, really. No sense in giving up before you even hit your goal.

    And no, it won't get saggier as you lose. It'll get tighter. Skin is remarkable.

    What ^ said.

    ^ this lady is one heckuva inspiration to moms and moms-to-be.
  • The stretch marks really arent that bad, and there are lotions/creams that can help reduce them. I heard cocoa butter helps!
  • I would definitely not give up! I know what it is like to have those thoughts, though and we can sometimes be so critical of our bodies when, in reality, other people don't see us like we see ourselves. I don't think your stretch marks are bad and I don't think you're going to have to deal with a bunch of loose saggy skin, either. Make sure you lose weight at a healthy rate - that will help you with that in the long run!

    Stretch marks fade, like the others here have mentioned. Back when I was 13-14, I gained a lot of weight and got quite a lot of stretch marks on my inner and outer thighs. For so many years I was self conscious about them, but they did fade. I used to worry guys would find them repulsive, but most of the guys I have met don't really care and have been really cool about it. Also, you would also be surprised to find out how many women have stretch marks - LOTS! They are nothing to be ashamed about and I even wear shorts proudly despite my old stretch marks. :) And now that I am eating healthier and working out, I feel so much better about myself, in general; the stretch marks don't get to me like they used to. So no, do not give up because I believe you will feel much better about yourself once you start reaching your goals and toning up. So keep at it - just remember the reasons you wanted to lose weight in the first place.
  • SophieSLP
    SophieSLP Posts: 107 Member
    Next time you think of beautiful things, don't forget to count YOURSELF in! You are beautiful, deserving, and worthy.
  • nyxrun
    nyxrun Posts: 60
    I've got stretchmarks like that...and a ton of scars from 3 abdominal surgeries to have assorted organs and such removed. so what? Each and every line, scar, and stretchmark on my belly shows that I am still alive, that I made it this far. Slap some cocoa butter on them and go about making things better :)
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    You need slow, steady weight loss and a hard-core abdominal regimen - NOT at all a place to give up. I worked with a trainer after baby #2 (and I was over 40) and turned a belly that looked permanently 5 months pg into a flat, trim belly again. Yes, I still have some loose skin and yes, I still have stretch marks but they have faded but I can wear clothing confidently now. With a high-waisted bikini bottom, I can still make a go of a bikini. Now my hopes of being a Victoria Secret model are dashed... lol ...but it was probably time to give up that dream anyway. :) Two beautiful kids is worth any number of stretch marks I have.
  • kmkgurl
    kmkgurl Posts: 321 Member
    Oh dont be hard on urself... although i'm pretty harsh on myself still. Your stretch marks are honestly not that bad though. I'm 20 and i have two kids. When i got pregnant with my first i got super bad stretch marks like really bad and with my seond not too bad but the first pregnancy pretty much did it for both. I'm here if you need to talk cause i know what ur going through cause im still struggling with it and trying to get through it everyday. we can help eachother out and motivate eachother.
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