
Ive been working out for almost a yr now..I went from 318-213 since Feb 12th 09. This is the 2nd time since Ive been working out that Im getting these awful bad that I feel my back arch right down to my hips. I would of thought I would of gotten theses spasms when I was heavier, but I didnt. I need some ideas, other than take a aspirin. Someone told me I could be dehydrated from being sick in bed all day the other day..IDK..Dehydration? Ive been drinking the water..any suggestions?

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  • jlvgriffin
    jlvgriffin Posts: 23 Member
    Are you making sure to stretch before and after exercising? Dehydration and low potassium may also be a factor.
    SASSYJAX Posts: 103 Member
    HEAT on your back and rest.

    Not nice so maybe have a hot bath and be good to yourself.

    Pretty sure dehydration does not causes muscle spasms?!! My husband has 4 herniated discs in his back and he gets spasms but thats caused by his discs...! I have had them too but that was also caused by an injury.

    It is your bodies way of trying to tell you to take a rest!
    take the hint!

    Way to go on your weight loss, you have reason to feel proud! good for you!
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    My wife was having terrible cramps in her legs, so bad and frequent that she went a week with almost no sleep. I finally convinced her to start drinking water. Once she became rehydrated, she hasn't had any cramps since before Thanksgiving.

    However, you said you are drinking water. If you were sick, you may have dehydrated, even with a healthy water intake. I would suggest, increasing your water intake for a couple of days. If you increase your water intake and still experience the spasms, I would see your doctor.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Yes, dehydration might bring this on as well as your potassium level maybe down a bit? I get back spasms but I had a back injury years ago that comes back to remind me at times that I was young and stupid... :blushing: I might add - you may have another issue (Sciatica nerve issue) that you may need to talk to your doctor.

    "What are the symptoms?
    Symptoms of sciatica include pain that begins in your back or buttocks and moves down your leg and may move into your foot. Weakness, tingling, or numbness in the leg may also occur.

    Sitting, standing for a long time, and movements that cause the spine to flex (such as knee-to-chest exercises) may make symptoms worse.
    Walking, lying down, and movements that extend the spine (such as shoulder lifts) may relieve symptoms. " you can read more about this at

    I hope this gets better for you. Congratulations on your loss. :drinker:
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    I had spasms in my calves every night since the birth of my children and i mean every night I tried water nad multi vitamins but they never seemed to work . But about a year ago someone told me about magnesuim to help withthe spasms so I took 400mg twice a day and it took about a month before the spasms stopped. I couldn't believe it I was so happy. So you might want to give it a try.