Anyone here gained weight on anti depressants?



  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I was switched to Abilify last year this time from being on a different med for 2 years... I gained 20 lbs in 2 months. I was taken off it and back on the old med... I stayed around the same weight and even dropped a few lbs.

    I was then switched to another anti-depressent and gained about 20 more lbs in a few months. I was taken off it, and now I'm on something else. Its been maybe 2 months...? I really havent noticed much a diference in weight gain so I'm hoping I'll b able to lose all this weight.

    Good luck, its a very common side effect they downplay to not being very important....If your dr downplays it get another Dr to help you. I've gone to almost 5 in 3 years because I was not happy with them or the meds.
  • tinytasha7
    tinytasha7 Posts: 86 Member
    Almost 11 years ago I was put on Effexor (venlafaxine ) and I gained 120 lbs in 4 months. I knew at that time something was very wrong but since the side effect sheet didn't (and still doesn't) claim extreme weight gain as a side effect, I was not believed. I took my calorie intake down as far as 1000 calories but still could not lose.

    2 years ago I was referred to a weight program at one of the local hospitals where they told me that Effexor was known to cause excessive weight gain, and the moved me to Cymbalta (similar medication, but metabolized differently) which was supposed to be weight neutral. Every time they increase my dosage, I gain more weight (usually between 10 and 25 lbs within a 6 week period), so I'd hardly call it weight neutral, but it's certainly better than Effexor.

    I have been trying for more than 10 years to dump this weight, and now it's finally coming off. I am using Visalus shakes, and though I know there's some controversy about them on the forums, they are definitely working for me way better than not using them did.

    It's still a slow road....but so far in 3 weeks, I'm down 14 lbs and 25 inches
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I was on celexa and lost 10...., then when I went off them, I gained 15 back, still trying to lose that weight...ugh ,can't win
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I was on celexa and lost 10...., then when I went off them, I gained 15 back, still trying to lose that weight...ugh ,can't win

    I think the weening off of it, which too about a month or so caused the weight gain
  • kathrynlouiseellis
    And just to correct myself it wasn't the tablets that made me gain weight, it was post natal depression, but its true in that time I didn't care I was eating a block of chocolate a night because it made me feel better, eventually I went to a mums and bubs group fitness class and I lost the weight I put on, exercise helps me and I'm no longer on them for a couple years now, when I don't exercise I feel low, so I know it helps me to be healthy and active.
  • Ortax
    Ortax Posts: 98
    Thanks for all the responses everyone. I'm not blaming the meds themselves for me gaining weight. I regret not eating well and not exercising when I was first put on them. But all I can do now is to begin exercising and cutting calories which I know I have the willpower and motivation to do. Wish me luck
  • Mike91184
    I am on Celxa and I noticed a decrease in appetite, I've also been working out at the gym.
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    Just starting on Cipralex and find my self feeling very ho-hum about exercising. Actually I feel that way about everything which is a huge change from my normal stressed out self so I suppose it is working the way it is supposed to. I think I'll have to be more intentional about diet and exercise and maybe get an accountability partner.
  • funsiiz
    funsiiz Posts: 246 Member
    Yes....started exercise...helps with depression and weight...good luck to ya
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    I've tried a few but none of them made me gain weight. If anything, I lost weight. Was on Gabapentin for a while last year and I put on 60lbs. It made my appetite increase to the point where I had to sit on my hands and suck ice cubes to stop myself from eating. Not on it anymore and my appetite went back to normal but the weight isn't shifting. I also have M.E. which makes it difficult but I'm trying. I think everyone just reacts in different ways.
  • aweber73
    aweber73 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, I take something called Remeron - - just a couple times a month for bouts of anxiety and insomnia and can attest to the powerful effect they have on my appetite! It's the extra eating that does it for me (versus something about the medication itself messing with my metabolism). I can't stop eating sweet carbs - - I ate an entire bag of Smores Goldfish in one day last week! Getting enough sleep and exercising earlier in the day usually helps with the intense cravings.

    Good luck!