
bleachcse Posts: 148 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
We found out a couple of weeks ago that we are expecting baby #2!! Let me tell you, I felt fat before, but I feel about 10 times fatter now. My goal is to gain no more than 15 pounds so I'm still using MFP to track my calories and exercise. I think this is the best motivation to finally get this weight off after the baby is born. This is the worst feeling ever! I feel like a beached whale most of the time, and I'm only a little over a month along. I don't even want to think about what 9 months is going to feel like!


  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
  • vdpal
    vdpal Posts: 64 Member
  • MommaPaz
    MommaPaz Posts: 46 Member
    Congratulations! I hope to be joining your "misery" in the next month or so. I'm stuck between wanting to be pregnant and wanting to lose more first. I think that if you stick within your recommended calories and eat healthy, you'll be able to stick with your 15lb goal. Best of luck on your journey!
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    Congrats! Just remember that every pregnancy is different! Make sure you talk with your doctor about how you are eating and make sure that you are getting everything you need for the both of you! Still log it and keep going, but don't be afraid to gain the weight!
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Weight loss issues aside, this is wonderful news and I wish you the best of luck and health throughout your pregnancy! You can adjust your calorie goals based on what your OB/GYN recommends you increase your daily intake by. Many women tend to way overeat when they are pregnant, so if you just stick to the recommended 300 or 500 - I can't remember which it is - then you won't have too much to lose after the baby comes.
  • ambee0803
    ambee0803 Posts: 89 Member
    Well first o all Congratulations!!!
    When you're pregnant you only need to eat about 300 more calories per day. Don't do like I did and fall into that "well im gonna be as big as a house anyway so I'll eat whatever I want"
    The good news is that when you're pregnant your belly draws so much (good) attnetion nobody (even u) notices the extra pounds anywhere else. I had a 10 lb baby and weighed nearly 200lbs but I never felt fat once I started showing. Plus breast feeding burns as many calories as jogging a mile and it'll make your breasts look bigger distracting from your belly.
    I'm sure you kow all this already but just a reminder to the bright side of things.
    Congratulations again!
  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    Congrats! Just remember that every pregnancy is different! Make sure you talk with your doctor about how you are eating and make sure that you are getting everything you need for the both of you! Still log it and keep going, but don't be afraid to gain the weight!
    First of all,CONGRATULATIONS!
    I am with the above poster,please make sure you talk to your doctor,your little baby may need more than 15,please don't despair if you gain more than that:cry:
    I gained 8 pounds in the 9th month alone-working out HARD 6 days a week for one hour a day until week 39- and still gained a total of 33 pounds.All but 7 are off at month 3 since my son was born,and it is harder to lose when you are older.You will lose it!
    Hope I don't sound like your Grandma! God bless you and your baby:flowerforyou:
  • bleachcse
    bleachcse Posts: 148 Member
    Thanks everyone. I will talk to my doctor. I am very, very heavy so 15 pounds should be plenty. An extra 300 a day isn't really that much. A couple glasses of milk and there you go! I just don't want to see 300 and more than 15 pounds will put me over. That is a number I never in my life thought I would see. It'd break my heart.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Congratulations!

    My daughter was told to keep her usual calorie intake during her first trimester (which actually was hard because she was so sick! Thankfully, that has passed!). For her second and third she was advised to add 200-300 more a day
  • Angie789
    Angie789 Posts: 61 Member
    Congratulations! One of the main reasons I am on MFP is to get pregnant, so I hope to be joining you soon!

    I agree with the previous poster - keep your calorie count at its current level for the first trimester, and then add 300 for the 2nd & 3rd. But be sure you are taking a prenatal vitamin & fish oil capsule. Focus on eating lots of fresh fruits & veggies & lean protein, and some goods carbs to keep your energy up.

    Don't get so focused on the weight gain that you forget the awesome miracle you are experiencing! Happy & healthy 9 months to you!
  • So happy for you! You will do great!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Congrats! Pregnant woman are beautiful no matter what! Enjoy your pregnancy!
  • Congratulations on your pregnancy! I wouldn't worry about your weight too much; if you're already overweight you may not gain much at all. I was very overweight with my first and only gained 23 lbs. Just make sure to stay active, and that will help you with recovery and the weight loss after baby #2 arrives. Congrats again!!
  • OH MY GOSH, THAT IS AWESOME NEWS!!!!! You should be celabrating the blessing of a new baby, Let that sink in before worring about the weight. You are growing a person, and that comes first!!! Make sure you are eating enough, and keep in touch with the doctor on what your eating and the exercises that are safe for you and baby. You are going to look beautiful, and you are already starting to eat healthier, so you are on the right road!!! CONGRATS!!!!!! A BABY IS SUCH A BLESSING!!!!!!
  • Redkoala
    Redkoala Posts: 146
  • make sure that you gain what your doctor suggests. You dnt want to gaine to little and not get enough nurtients to the little one. Congradulatiosn!!
  • Congrats and good luck! I'm one week into the 3rd trimester and have loved every second of pregnancy! And as everyone has said, consult your OB/GYN about weight gain. For us bigger mom's the weight gain requirements are much less, 15 is actually reasonable. I was 50 pounds overweight at the start. I actually lost weight in the first trimester (the doc said not to be alarmed as I was losing fat and gaining baby). I'm starting to gain now, and put back on 10 pounds overall since December. The doctor doesn't want me to gain too much more. Thats why I joined MFP, to track my eating and exercise in this last trimester and hopefully to help me with the post-partum weight loss.
    But be sure you are taking a prenatal vitamin & fish oil capsule.

    I've been taking an isotonic prenatal vitamin since I couldn't keep the huge pills down in the first trimester. I would highly recommend it because you absorb more nutrients. My OB's office had literature about it in the waiting room, and I have a friend who sells supplements so I found this pretty easily, but I'm sure an internet search will find you a local supplier.

    I'm allergic to fish so I am taking a non-fish DHA pill they sell at Babies R' Us. DHA has the omega's you are needing for brain and eye development (most important in 3rd tri and when you are b-feeding). If you don't plan to b-feed, then keep in mind that you want a DHA enriched formula for those early months...there are ALOT of options out there.
  • Thats awesome! Congrats!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    when i was pregnant i focused on having the baby, and making sure the baby was healthy. i didn't care what i weighed. i figured that could be on hold for 9 months, and then i would have the rest of my life to get back on track.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    When you get down on your self image, remember-- there is no greater gift than a baby!
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