


  • Methinksabout
    You need very soft/ripe avocadoes, fresh garlic, chilli (fresh or dried), limes (roughly 1 lime to every 2 avocadoes is how I like it), some salt and pepper - add a bit olive oil if you fancy. Mix until smooth (or how ever you like your consistency.. sometimes I put a couple of cherry tomatoes in as well, helps with the calories ;-)

    definitely be trying that at the weekend! thanks!

    Then you better get your avocadoes tonight - the ones in the shop usually need some time to ripen up properly :-) Enjoy it! Really fancy that myself now - will get some avocadoes tonight I think :-)
  • LesleeBeAlive
    Sounds gross but SUPER delicious!

    Half an Avacado
    Half a cup of Mango
    1/4 a cup of OJ
    Some water and ice..
    Blend and its sooooo good!
  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    I use 2 tablespoons of chia gel, one heaping tablespoon of Benefibre (Canadian version), one cup almond milk, one cup of frozen fruit such as blueberries and raspberries (my favorites) and a couple of scoops of protein powder (Visalus). It is about 280 calories.
  • Love2lift72
    Love2lift72 Posts: 157 Member
    I love smoothies!! YUM I like so many different ones but one of my favorites is orange juice, vanilla protein and ice. Orange julius flavor. :)
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    My favorite smoothie to make is a peanut butter banana one: 1 cup milk, 1 tbsp creamy peanut butter, i medium sized banana, and about 4-6 ice cubes. So good!

    Also I make a lot of fruit smoothies with berries and bananas. I tend to use milk or OJ instead of yogurt in mine because I don't like the thick texture that the yogurt gives them. Plus the bananas and ice add a thick enough texture to them in my opinion. I really like banana, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries blended together with some milk and a few ice cubes. It gives me almost all of my fruit servings for the day and is really refreshing after a workout.
  • tchaikovskyfan
    I’ve just introduced a green smoothie into my diet each morning that some mma fighter my boyfriend likes uses to help him cut weight. It consists of kale or spinach, banana, pear, celery, cucumber and ginger. It looks a bit like the incredible hulks waste product but it actually taste really nice and seems to be doing the trick..

    Ps I’m new on here and I’m in need of friends so if anyone wants to add me then please feel free x
  • Indygirl_81
    Indygirl_81 Posts: 142 Member
    Chocolate flavor protein powder, a cup of fat free vanilla yogurt, a cup of mixed berries or strawberry/banana blend (frozen), half a serving of wheat germ, and an 8-10 oz cup of ice.

    You can also add the clear benefiber and PB2 if you like.
  • Baloostika
    Baloostika Posts: 203 Member

    Must mostly I use my hand blender to make guacamole! There's nothing better! yummyumm

    oooooooooooh, good idea... how do you make guacamole!?

    You need very soft/ripe avocadoes, fresh garlic, chilli (fresh or dried), limes (roughly 1 lime to every 2 avocadoes is how I like it), some salt and pepper - add a bit olive oil if you fancy. Mix until smooth (or how ever you like your consistency.. sometimes I put a couple of cherry tomatoes in as well, helps with the calories ;-)

    Am I suppose to eat or drink that, mmm, sounds slimy to me but since it's healthy ama try it, lol.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Am I suppose to eat or drink that, mmm, sounds slimy to me but since it's healthy ama try it, lol.

    its usually a dip, do you could eat it with carrot sticks, celery, crisps (chips). i bet it would be nice with meat as well!
  • Dzambhala
    Dzambhala Posts: 149 Member
    My absolute favorite smoothie to make is (this recipe is for two serivings, the way I have it):

    1 Banana
    2 tbsp Peanut Butter
    6oz non-fat plain yogurt
    Light Vanilla soy milk to your desired texture (I make it pretty thick for me)

    Its roughly 470 calories if you drink the whole thing, good amount of protein, potassium.
    Its thick and rich and always hits the spot for me after a workout.

    That sounds so yummy! I will be having this after my workout tomorrow!!
  • Dzambhala
    Dzambhala Posts: 149 Member
    Oh and FYI, TMZ just leaked all of Jessica Simpsons Smoothies that her private chef made for her, some of them sound really nice!
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    I just discovered PB2 (powdered peanut butter)...last night we made a protein shake using:

    chocolate protein powder
    unsweetened almond milk
    2 TBSP of PB2

    I swear it tasted like a cup of reece's peanut butter cups, I am going to add a banana tonight.