How to flick the switch with food, from comfort to necessity

So I know I'm not the only one who has this issue. When I get stressed or bored (mostly stressed which is a lot lately), I tend to go to food for comfort. It's silly, I know it is, but I've been working with a therapist to try to change the way I think about it. Funds have been tight lately, which makes it hard to lose weight for sure. Living off mostly carbs, some protein and frozen veggies, not cool for sure, but that part will sort itself out later :)

Has anyone else overcome the attachment to food as comfort? Have you been able to re-train your brain that you need the best, healthiest food to live, and be healthy, not the junk that makes you feel cruddy anyways?

Any tips on how you did it? Hope everyone has a great day :)


  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Hey girl, I'm there with you. Some days I wake up and I'm totally committed and can "give up" food for a good week or two before I lose all motivation. I went to a therapist and she just didn't understand how food was an addiction for me. She suggested to replace food with a pedicure. I don't have enough toes on my feet even if I only got one done at a time to cope with my food cravings/bingeing!
  • Hi There,

    Can honestly say for the first time I am eating to live and not using food to "medicate". Endured a life changing event that threw me down a hole. It took facing the feelings inside and letting them ooze out (which was ugly and happened over several years) until I was ready to make the change. It can be done!

    It sounds like you are doing the first step - becoming conscious of why you are eating. Next, you have to try to be very honest about what factors, and history past and present (possibly who?) is also causing you distress.

    Face it head on and deal with it. If you can keep your therapist to help you with this part it sure helps... Own your part and forgive yourself...

    I am now eating healthier and cleaner then ever before with no effort - because I know I am worth taking care of, and I am not supressing pain and anxiety with food. ( I processed the events, accepted them, developed a strategy to cope with them and could then let go.)

    Budget aside, it will be less expensive then the nursing home bills from years of poor nutrition and lack of excercise later.

    Finally, you wlll make the change when YOU are ready, not before. Be kind and loving to yourself...