Hi everyone....new here!

Hey Everyone just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself....I only came to know about this website from a customer at work I helped with a heart rate monitor!

I have lost 47lbs since Mid October. I cant believe how much better I feel about myself and how much Im changing inside and out through this whole process. I have been heavy and overweight since I was a teenager. When I went to the doctor for chest pains in early October and got on a scale...for the first time in years....I was 220lbs....and I wanted to cry. I had no idea how heavy I actually was. I always said if Im not over 200lbs Im fine, that is how I coped with it in my mind. Going to the doctor was a huge wakeup call for me and within a week I started my journey. I first bought a mountain bike and went out on it 7 days a week for a half hour, it was a struggle I could barely breathe! Once I got 10lbs off in a matter of 2 weeks things started to get easier. I bought a Wii and got Wii fit plus and several other games. Then I started doing the Biggest Loser/Jillian Michaels DVD's. I could barely do 30 day shred without feeling like I was dying. Now I can go out on my mountain bike for 30 minutes, do 30 day shred and do weight training all in one day! When I started my goal was to lose 90lbs...time has flown and Im nearly there...I cant wait!



  • DGW168
    Welcome! I'm new here too. You've done a great job so far.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Wow that's amazing! You're doing great things for your body and mind, keep it up and congratulations, you're more than half way there!
  • argylsocks88
    Hi everyone! I'm new to My Fitness Pal, but not new to weight loss. My goal is lose about 82lbs and I've lost 21 so far. I'm looking forward to adopting new healthy habits and getting into shape.
  • mardofer
    Good job Michelle! you must be very proud of yourself. I'm also new here, just trying to lose 5kg that have been making my life harder for the last 2 years!
  • becca09
    becca09 Posts: 54 Member
    aww well done, im new here too.
    I love the biggest loser is the 30 day shred really working well?
    on the 8th of feb it will have been one month since i started calorie counting and i have already lost 1 stone and 2 pounds (thats 16 pounds to those who dont count by stones).
    its just dropping off me. Im worrying though, it seems easy, i eat chocolate and stuff and yet the weight is falling off me, im waiting for it to turn around and bite me on the *kitten*.
    if i keep losing 14 pound a month or more then i should have reached my goal by september/october. just in time for my bday on the 5th oct.
    good luck and keep up the hard work, pretty soon you'll have reached your goal :D
  • Raeanne59
    Hi everyone,

    Just joined today and wanted to say your messages have given me hope:wink: I'm a stress eater and boy have I had stress. Gained back 30 lbs this last year which I worked so hard to take off. This is the first thing I've done for myself in quite awhile. Am hoping having this fellowship of fellow losers can give me the inspiration to keep going.
  • luvmygrandkidstx
    luvmygrandkidstx Posts: 95 Member
    Welcome! You've come to the right place. There's so much support on here and I love this site. Good luck to you in your journey.