
So I have been attempting to do MFP for quite a while. Before that I did WW and though I loved them I could no longer fit them into my budget.

I was so happy when I found MFP had so many great things like the mobil app and the scanner and the extensive food list. It worked great...well until I stopped logging my food. I have been in a pretty dark place lately and been going on a lot of dates with my boys Ben and Jerry. I know they really don't love me as much as I love them but I think the only way I can kick them to the curve is to put the focus back on me. If I am happy I will be a better ____ I could use so many words to fill in that blank but the truth is any word will, daughter, friend, lover, me, sister, grandaughter...the list goes on and on. Really I just want to be the best Me that I can BE. I want to be the me that I know I am. I want to be able to just live my life to the fullest and to not have silly regrets. Regrets that I could have avoided had I just lost the weight. It seems to be my biggest hurdle...

So I almost hit post without really telling you who I am but only what I want...ha

I live in the midwest, newly single after being married for 5 years. I have 3 daughters who inspire me daily. They are beautiful, fit, and active. I want to be able to keep up with them. It is however very easy to lose yourself in the running here and there and in trying to be a good wife I thought now it can be all about me. I have a time to put myself first and to get right with me. I love to cook and plan meals. I am not a huge fan of exercise but I do like to do active things so I will be able to be active out and about just not in a gym.

I have 132 lbs to lose I am down 24 from my highest weight but I have been in a stand still lately because I have not been tracking and planning. My hopes is to become more active in the community so that I can stay focused and excited about my future.