Triathlon training suggestions and experiences??

Hey all! I've made my decision - I'm going to do a triathlon in July!! I'm pretty stoked...but that's it. Because I have NO IDEA what I'm doing! ha! Does anyone have any training tips or tricks they'd like to share with me? How about any experiences? This will be my first!

the race consistes of a .6 mile swim in a lake, 18 mile bike ride & 4.5 mile run.



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Swim, bike & that order and on a regular basis (I haven't done my first tri yet as my swimming is atrocious but I've done a couple of duathlons).

    Specificity and consistency are the keys.

    There are lovely workouts called bricks........basically do a ride and then run immediately afterward. The first couple of times your legs will probably feel like jello but they do get easier. Check some of the videos on youtube for transitions and rehearse them, even better if you have a local tri club check out their training programs, you'll find that most of the more experience triathletes are very generous with their wisdom.

    Check out a couple of books by Joel Friel: "Your First Triathlon" and "The Triathletes Training Bible"

    also check out : (this one is especially good - there are articles on there from Dave Scott who may be the greatest triathlete of all time)

    Have fun!
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    What Brian said, and also check out the Triathlete/Duathlete group:
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks for that!!
  • mirthfuldragon
    mirthfuldragon Posts: 124 Member
    There's a legion of methods to the madness that is triathlon training. I'm currently in my winter program, which is lifting three times per week (using Mark Allen's 12 lifts, plus core work), running three days a week, swimming at least twice a week, and my usual spin classes three times per week (it's too cold to ride outside, and I'm too cheap/poor to buy cold weather gear or a trainer). Right now I'm simply building an endurance base in the run and swim, since my cycling is actually pretty strong.

    Once my winter program ends, then I will go to a more endurance-based, time-building program.

    General advice: have a plan, and try to stick to it. Run, bike, and swim at least twice per week. Lift two or three times per week, at least during the off season. Brick workouts are a must - swim and bike, bike and run, swim bike and run in the same day.

    Figure out your goals - do you want to finish, or do you want to finish above a certain point? Once you have your goals, build on that and go from there. Figure out your weak spots, and build those up.

    Good luck, and welcome to the program.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Bump. I'm training too, more tips are always welcome.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    bump. I'm training too. More tips are always welcome.
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I've got lots to learn!
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    My husband I are doing our first sprint tri Feb 23rd. It is a reverse, and very short: 5k run, 13 mile ride, 200meter swim in an olympic size pool. I am very excited. Swimming is my weakest. I've been watching videos on youtube for swim technique and also had a critique. It really helped but we are going to go for a few lessons before the race as well. The prices for lessons are good right now because it is not exactly swim lesson season. Running is my comfort zone because I did cross country and track in high school. Cycling I am comfortable in as well. My husband and I have been riding 15-25 mile rides for about a year now. I found a training plan online but have really been just trying to do each activity 1-2 times a week.
    and are great resources.

    I went to and found a triathlon in my area to sign up for. The one I chose has 4 free clinics/workshops before the race that have been very helpful. I found out about them on the website for the race.

  • Training for a triathlon can be a bit intimidating at first, since you not only need to schedule a swim, bike, and run several times per week, but you also need to consider weight training, stretching or yoga.