Right Size Smoothies, do they work for the busy body?

Hello all! My weight has yo-yoed (however you spell it) since I've been on (and off) MFP. I HAD lost 26 lbs but was unable to work out for a month (long, complicated excuse/story) and gained 10lbs (not that buying world's finest chocolate every day off of my coworkers desk didn't help contribute) but I went from 238 to 253 YIKES! I have a really busy schedule that starts our day at 5am, and we're back home from work and our daily duties by 6-630pm. I recently received my "Right Size Smoothie" trial and have bought the frozen fruit, and my little "magic bullet" type personal blender to make my healthy shakes at work (where we often have catering of delicious foods for events we hold)

My question is... Has anyone else tried these and do they actually work for you and your lifestyle?