Hey ya'll

Hey there... I live in Southern Indiana, and am really tired of being the 'fat Mom". I have great friends and of course a few of them have "never thought of me like that"; however, you see it in their face, you know!

I'm on this journey with my husband at my side. We both have a lot of weight we'd like to lose, but together we can do it. We've been comfortable in our eating habits and our love of food, now we just need to direct that love for each other and food down a healthier path. My goal is to lose 100 pounds... I'd be at my high school weight and be happy.

I suck at exercising... I try my hardest to get my butt up and go, but the motivation is not there.... I'll get it.

Good luck to you all. I'm new to this whole community thing, so if I mess up or post something wrong or reply to something I shouldn't, lemme know.

Take Care and let's get this party started... :)


  • dryder7
    Hi, I just started this site yesterday. I need to lose 100 lbs also. 3 different doctors have all told me the same thing. Lose 100 lbs! So I've got to get busy. I don't like to exercise either. The most exercise is when I walk 1/2 an acre to the mailbox, and that's not every day.

    I noticed the food diary is really helpful in counting calories, so i've started choosing foods lower in calories, fat & carbs already. Let me know how you're doing with this site, and maybe we can help each other out.

    I live way out here in the desert in California, really isolated, and I live alone, so if you'd be a diet buddy I'd really appreciate it.

    Good luck gal! From Diane
  • valcladdagh
    valcladdagh Posts: 210 Member
    I started on mfp in August and also have about 100lbs to lose. I have lost 33 so far just by logging calories and moving more. I too have trouble exercising on a regular basis, was going pretty good when I started but have slacked off quite a bit lately. However I am moving more in general during the day, making several trips up the stairs each day rather than saving all the stuff to be carried for one trip. Standing more during the day, especially while homeschooling my 3 younger kids (5 in all, sometimes 6) and parking farther from the door in parking lots, etc.
    I would very much enjoy being friends with you if you'd like, and also the person who responded to your post first (I should be the 2nd). I live in Canada and there's snow on the ground here today.
    Let's all motivate each other!
  • buzymomof4kids
    buzymomof4kids Posts: 14 Member
    Hey girls... friend me and lets get this weight off! Canada sounds pretty, as does the California desert!!
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    Welcome to mfp everyone, the community section is a huge help for everyone, and a place to meet great new friends that will help along the way. I'm open for new friends is anyone need positive encouragement along the way!
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    Hello and welcome! MFP is full of great information and wonderful support from friends. Feel free to add me. Good luck on your journey
  • dryder7
    Hi, I really like MFP. I'm learning to revamp my usual diet as I go. You look awesome by the way, and that encourages me to do better.:smile:
  • dryder7
    Hey gal, how's it goin'? I've gotta get a scale to weigh myself. I sure hope I've lost at least a few pounds. Let me know how you're doing with the weight loss thing. I noticed that by doing the food diary thing each & every day, I'm starting to make changes in my old food routine because you can see all the high calorie foods in your day to day diet. I also learned I'm "sedentary" in my day to day exercise, so I'm slowly upping my walking time and that gives you more calorie to play with during the day. I'm not very active out here in the desert during the summer, but it's winter now, so I can take longer walks outside without broiling. So good luck & look forward to hearing from you. :flowerforyou: