Starting "Insanity"

So, I decided to try the Insanity DVDs. About to start them today. Anyone have any great tips for making this hurt less? :P


  • msunat97
    msunat97 Posts: 511 Member
    1. Go at your pace. Don't expect to be anywhere near the levels as the models on the TV.
    2. Stretching is vital.
    3. Don't quit.
  • gamagem
    gamagem Posts: 87 Member
    Get good cross trainers! I started with running shoes and oh boy were my knees and ankles killing me.
    Stay with the form, that's more important then going as fast as you can. The speed will come after using good form for a while. Keep a towel close by :)
    Drink a protein drink afterwards. I really believe that helped me from being too sore.
    Even if you're sore, do it the next day.
    On rest days, REST! I decided to go for a run on a Sunday and sure did pay for that on Monday.

    I'm about to start month 2 today and am scared stiff. Good luck to you.
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    1. Go at your pace. Don't expect to be anywhere near the levels as the models on the TV.
    2. Stretching is vital.
    3. Don't quit.

    This is great.....I am going a 2nd time at this...After 1 month before I quit( I was trying to keep up with them) but this time around I am building up.....Good luck to you...
  • Kraziekay89
    I just ordered the DVD's as well and should have them Wednesday. Maybe we can start a challenge to keep the motivation high for December. Let me know what you think. Add me if you'd like.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Go at your own pace, modify if you need to, don't be afraid to take breaks-the people in the dvd's are machines! good shoes are super important-tried my minimilist running shoes at first and paid for it. By the start of month 2 had to switch shoes and my knees have been thanking me ever since! Make sure to eat enough, 1200 calories is not enough on this program. I don't have any advice on how to make it hurt less. I hurt from the waist down to my calves during the first pain went away, especially after each warm-up and stretching. Have had some sort of discomfort during month 2, I finish on Saturday, but it's not so bad that I can't sit or move my arms. It's a great feeling though! Good luck!!
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    Just like what everyone else has said, go at your pace. This is very important. Just because the people in the DVD are going at a fast pace, you don't want to wear yourself out. Drink lots of water and rest when needed. Your body will tell you if you need to rest or not. Form is also important! I'm in my third week and I still take breaks (more often than I would like). Also stretch when they stretch! The first couple of times I would skip it but now I see the importance. Good luck and feel free to add me if you would like.
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    Keep moving. If you you cant do something sub it out with something you can do.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Depending on how your body responds, try taking aspirin before your workout for the first couple weeks/ or if you start feeling knee pain.

    The right footwear is super important. I started with running shoes and knees started hurting a bunch because my feet were moving too much in them, even though they fit fine for running. I took a tip from a friend and tried itbarefoot (yes, barefoot, on a thick workout pad) and never had another issue.

    Go at your own pace

    Be consistent. Unless you are in really good shape, the first 10 days WILL hurt. Push through, it gets easier after that, but don't miss a day or it is harder to keep going. I have done insanity at 11pm and at 5 am just to make it happen in a day. You have to be committed. Frankly, my own commitment flagged a bit, and it wasn't worth it. Two months will be over before you know it.

    most importantly: WATCH YOUR MACROS. Eat, but eat right. If you eat 40/40/20 Carbs/Protein/Fat and keep your calories where they should be, as recommended, you WILL see a difference. If you're going to put yourself through insanity, you should eat right, too, or you won't see the results you want, and that would be a shame. Good luck!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Depending on how your body responds, try taking aspirin before your workout for the first couple weeks/ or if you start feeling knee pain.

    The right footwear is super important. I started with running shoes and knees started hurting a bunch because my feet were moving too much in them, even though they fit fine for running. I took a tip from a friend and tried itbarefoot (yes, barefoot, on a thick workout pad) and never had another issue.

    Go at your own pace

    Be consistent. Unless you are in really good shape, the first 10 days WILL hurt. Push through, it gets easier after that, but don't miss a day or it is harder to keep going. I have done insanity at 11pm and at 5 am just to make it happen in a day. You have to be committed. Frankly, my own commitment flagged a bit, and it wasn't worth it. Two months will be over before you know it.

    most importantly: WATCH YOUR MACROS. Eat, but eat right. If you eat 40/40/20 Carbs/Protein/Fat and keep your calories where they should be, as recommended, you WILL see a difference. If you're going to put yourself through insanity, you should eat right, too, or you won't see the results you want, and that would be a shame. Good luck!

    ^^^Great advice!!! I found that I had to keep my protein around 35-40% just to keep my stamina. I ate about 1800-2000 cals/day and still lost about a pound a week. Good luck!!
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    Another thing, your undies! Go with granny panties or boy shorts to avoid a wedgie during your workout! :)
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    Well I hadn't heard of the granny panty option, but let me know how that works out! But it's true that the number of people incapacitated by wedgies during an Insanity workout is staggering. It's sort of a silent epidemic. So tread carefully, my friend.