Atkins-Going against all I believe!!!!

Hello, I had a baby 14 months ago and finally got down to my pre-baby weight 8 weeks ago...well, I then hurt my knee and started eating uncontrollably...I have gained 11 pounds back, just 3.3 in the last 2 is so easy to gain! Well, I decided to do ATKINS, something I am completely against..'depriving' yourself from so many foods..
BUT, I am throwing in the towel and trying it..thinking maybe it will just help me think differently about eating, I love bread-in fact I ate a whole pizza minus one slice this weekend..I love rice..making sushi as much as I could...etc....
Has anyone had success with this helping? A little nervous about headaches and not having energy:)


  • ptbodacious
    ptbodacious Posts: 65 Member
    The biggest problem with Atkins for me was cutting out an entire food group. Can't live like that forever. I lost 64 pounds in 5 months on Atkins.....and gained 72 pounds in 6 months the minute I went off. Didn't work long-term, obviously. Currently using WW and MFP - feel like I'm learning something sustainable this time. Down 58 pounds since June. Even got through Thanksgiving with no gain and no deprivation!
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I did Atkins years ago and had a lot of success with it- but as soon as I came off Atkins, the weight piled back on plus more. I was ALWAYS tired, very irritable, and carried a headache constantly. Unless you are going to do Atkins forever, I wouldn't recommend it. You'll be in the same boat you are now.
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    before everyone starts the yelling let me just say this, as with many diets, yes, lots of people have had sucess with this, my advice to you though is make sure you know going into this that it is in fact a DIET, not a lifestyle change, and it has potential to help you, depending on your mindset. good luck and don't forget to study up on this before you try it, there is a whole bunch of info everyone should know before trying these things :wink:
  • Roderunr
    Roderunr Posts: 65 Member
    The biggest problem with Atkins for me was cutting out an entire food group. Can't live like that forever. I lost 64 pounds in 5 months on Atkins.....and gained 72 pounds in 6 months the minute I went off. Didn't work long-term, obviously. Currently using WW and MFP - feel like I'm learning something sustainable this time. Down 58 pounds since June. Even got through Thanksgiving with no gain and no deprivation!

    ditto this ^^^ although I lost 30lbs and gained back 36lbs once i went off it. I am not a big fan...
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Going to extremities almost never works. But hey if you could be the one in hundred that can make it work good for you.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    My mom has alot of luck with low-carb. She lost all her weight that way..and keeps it off by watching the amount of carbs.

    Good luck.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Why dont you just stay at a caloric deficit and workout? So much easier then spending money next to everything else you have to buy. If you need to learn how to eat, use the internet. Its free son.
  • kane5
    kane5 Posts: 1
    i lost 75lbs on Atkins before but I stayed on the strictest part of the diet the whole time (which is not good long term). I think for those of us who are carb addicts, it's a good diet to follow as far as restricting the carb intake. I'm currently 'trying' to do it again and have lost 10 lbs so far. Holidays are hard to stay on course. :indifferent: I know that if I continue to eat all the bread, rice, pasta, etc. it's not going to help me in the long run. I try to eat all the protein and vegetables first and for a 'treat' once in awhile will allow myself a little bit of that so I won't deprive myself and fall back off the wagon.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    On Atkins in the induction stage you can make Cauliflower Crust Pizza which tastes amazing, check it out! I'm on a low carb, high protein, high fat diet (which is essentially what Atkins is in the beginning) and I feel fine, it's helped me break out of a plateau
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member

    Atkins happens in PHASES, eventually all the food groups are added back into one's diet.. It's just that a lot of people choose to stay in the Induction phase because it's where weight loss is most drastically seen.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Well, I am different and from the real world.

    Atkins works, starving works, fasting works, truth is everything WORKS.

    The difference between success and failure is your mindset AFTER and the adjustment periods.

    For instance, going on PSMF while great for a week, it still requires planning coming out in order to readjust your body again.

    Fasting for a week, cool... but you need to ease into, then take about another week reintroducing items etc.

    If you just change back to way before with same mindset, you'll be screwed before you even start. Reason you put on more? Crash diets do decrease your bodies thermogenic response and hence decreasing metabolism, however when you stop, it takes a few days to a few weeks depending on the length you were on the "diet" to correct your bodies metabolism again, when you just stop without thought, you eat more, not caring that your body will store more easily at first.

    I say go for it, but make sure you come off atkins correctly, and do some research. Anything works, otherwise nothing would work when done right. It is just making sure your doing it CORRECTLY and not stupid that makes the difference between success, and failure.

    I wish you all the best. I lost 20kg on low calorie diet of under 1000 a day, transitioned slow and now working on eating healthier for last 20kg I gotta lose, I have lost 10kg so far of it, and has taken longer, but from what I researched, from certain body fat percentages, you cannot and should never deprive yourself certain nutrition elements. Then again, my goal is underweight at 15% less than normal sedentary weight for my height as based on studies for endurance athletes who focus on marathon and longer.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Well, I am different and from the real world.

    Atkins works, starving works, fasting works, truth is everything WORKS.

    The difference between success and failure is your mindset AFTER and the adjustment periods.

    For instance, going on PSMF while great for a week, it still requires planning coming out in order to readjust your body again.

    Fasting for a week, cool... but you need to ease into, then take about another week reintroducing items etc.

    If you just change back to way before with same mindset, you'll be screwed before you even start. Reason you put on more? Crash diets do decrease your bodies thermogenic response and hence decreasing metabolism, however when you stop, it takes a few days to a few weeks depending on the length you were on the "diet" to correct your bodies metabolism again, when you just stop without thought, you eat more, not caring that your body will store more easily at first.

    I say go for it, but make sure you come off atkins correctly, and do some research. Anything works, otherwise nothing would work when done right. It is just making sure your doing it CORRECTLY and not stupid that makes the difference between success, and failure.

    I wish you all the best. I lost 20kg on low calorie diet of under 1000 a day, transitioned slow and now working on eating healthier for last 20kg I gotta lose, I have lost 10kg so far of it, and has taken longer, but from what I researched, from certain body fat percentages, you cannot and should never deprive yourself certain nutrition elements. Then again, my goal is underweight at 15% less than normal sedentary weight for my height as based on studies for endurance athletes who focus on marathon and longer.

    I'm still trying to figure out how you genetically fused a wolfs head onto yours, or is that just a mask?
  • runningmom27
    You lost 75...did you gain it once you were off of atkins?

    i believe exactly what you say...i just feel like i am in a slump with not being able to workout w/ my knee...normally i am running or doing insanity, jillian michaels...i am just a junk food junkie right now, enjoying my cocktails, and eating too much bread!

    I am all or nothing-everything i do is to the extreme! i just want to be happy with my body when i look in the mirror..i was 2 months ago but put on those pounds and it is all in my belly which is not so pretty anyway since i had my 2nd c-section.

    i may try it for the one week to just get my head back in the game and then go back to the calorie thing!!!!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    No matter what program you end up doing, you're going to have to learn self control to keep it off permanently. Why not just eat at a moderate calorie deficit and work on trying to control yourself better than you are now?

    It worked for you before and only failed once you lost control again. Try to work on fixing the problem not jumping to another band-aid solution.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    imo, you're going to gain weight back if you go off any "diet", but when you make something a lifestyle change (and do it for the rest of your life) once you find what works for you, that's when your success will be long term.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    No matter what program you end up doing, you're going to have to learn self control to keep it off permanently. Why not just eat at a moderate calorie deficit and work on trying to control yourself better than you are now?

    It worked for you before and only failed once you lost control again. Try to work on fixing the problem not jumping to another band-aid solution.

    This... if you have a lack of self control in the first place something like Atkins is just going to give you an even worse relationship with foods and I can guarantee that when you fall of the wagon it's going to be even uglier than any other binge you've had.
  • runningmom27
    most of you are in the same mindset i normally am! everyone i know cant believe me of all people want to try a 'diet'. I am just in desperate need to get my mid-section to melt down
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Did it when I got married. Success is all in your definition. As a temporary solution where as a just wanted to lose quick pounds and didn't mind gaining after, it worked great. It was also the thing that convinced me that my allergist wasn't a quack because of the reactions I had as I started adding back food. I lost some weight, but gained it all back along with an additional 5 or 10 pounds. I like to eat, so I'll always struggle, by my struggle now living a permanent lifestyle is still 10 pounds lighter than I ever was when I was intimately familiar with the fad yo-yo.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    most of you are in the same mindset i normally am! everyone i know cant believe me of all people want to try a 'diet'. I am just in desperate need to get my mid-section to melt down

    Strength training, some cardio if that's your thing and a moderate deficit will shrink your midsection. The evil carbs don't all hang out around your tummy.
  • betoarango
    betoarango Posts: 222 Member
    I'm on atkins, have had a great time no headaches lots of energy, prefer bacon and peanut butter to bread and pasta. when i'm 10 lbs from reaching my goal i will ease into pre-maintanaance and then to maintenance.

    The awesome thing about atkins is no hunger and cravings. That in itself makes it worthwhile for me.

    As to the comment about Atkins only being water weight and muscle.. I Iive lost 27 lbs of "water" and gained 3 lbs of muscle while on it (acording to my skin fold calipers)

    Everybody has to find what works for them... you cant hate it and make it work...

    Exercise is key, im not sure if they emphasized that enough in the book.. but it is something you should aim to do for the rest of your life.

    Great Luck