And it starts....

I feel like my story is so typical. I'm just a random girl, but I have a pretty serious problem... ISH. I was just diagnosed with diabetes. Well, it's actually been a few months now. The thing is that this isn't really even new. Diabetes is a HUGE deal in my ENTIRE family. I know all about it, and to be honest, I have ALWAYS had that "Oh, it won't happen to me" attitude. I don't really even know why I was that way. Maybe it was being young and naive.

Either way, I've decided to make the change. I'm really scared that I'll end up like my dad and sister who have to inject themselves several times a day with insulin. I don't think I could handle that. I don't want that lifestyle. I'm at the point where I can still fix this problem with weightloss, exercise, and my medication.

The thing is though... it's hard. Change is soooooo hard. I actually think I might be crazy for starting this process at this time of the year. At the end of the day though, I'm thinking I'm going to go for it. Why make ANOTHER excuse?? Right?

I've honestly NEVER actually been on a diet. I've done the whole, "I'm going to cut back on eating out", "I'm going to eat less fried food", you get the picture. Now, though, I really actually want to do this. It's so personal now. I NEED to show myself that I can loose weight. I've always been chubby, but lately things have gotten WAY out of control.

I really NEED help and support and it's not that my family and significant other don't support me. It's really not that. It's that they always go easy on me and let me slide on things. I need to be held accountable. I need and want someone to say "HEY, you haven't exercised in 2 days.. STOP being lazy and put the time in woman!".

I also came to this website to find out about how to eat better without giving up the things I love. Does that make sense?

All that being said, let's be friends. :happy:


  • asmitten9506
    asmitten9506 Posts: 2 Member
    I feel like I can relate to you in so many ways! Both my mom and my sister have diabetes, plus my sister has other weight related illnesses. Other then being overweight, I'm pretty lucky and don't have anything else. However, I feel like I'm this time bomb and I know that something will happen if I don't drastically change my life.
  • helenta77
    helenta77 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, im here for the exact same reason. Diabetes runs in my family, had gestational diabetes with both my children, its amazing how diet ane exercise make such a big difference. Add me if u like:-)