How much impact....

NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
does your eating schedule have on your weight loss? In other words, on my days off I can go from 11 am when i get up til 8 pm without eating and i do that often because im so busy. Then on my work day (4 days a week) ill eat 2 hours after waking up, then 4 hours later i eat something then a few more hours go by and eat when i get home....Im wondering if this is hurting my weight loss..


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    You need to be grazing throughout the day. Eating makes our metabolism work. Our metabolism working helps burn off cals. Burning off cals helps us lose weight. If you are too busy to eat, take along small, easily accessible snacks, and/or liquid meal replacements.
  • Not eating hurts your weight loss! I second what DrBorkBork said, you need to eat throughout the day to keep your metabolisim going. On my days off I run into the same issue I never seem to have enough time, I drink fruit smoothie drinks in the morning, or carnation instant breakfast. I usually always have pretzels and fruit around, too. I make a point to make food the day before if I think I'm going to be busy so I can just grab what I want and go.
  • It wil effect it - just as it is important to have a steady sleep schedule it is important to feed your body throughout the day starting with breaksfast at around the same time each day. If you dont eat your body doenst realize that it will get food later and so it will hold onto as much as it can "in case"
  • I think it's important to get into a habit of eating regularly, be it grazing throughout the day, or meals--whichever one is more comfortable for you. I graze. Dinner is really the only actual 'meal' I eat. The rest of the time, it's a fruit here, a bowl of yoghurt there... you get the picture.

    I read somewhere that if you don't eat in the morning, you metabolism doesn't 'wake up.' It won't burn as many calories as it would if you eat breakfast. So, by not eating breakfast (or lunch for that matter) on the days you are busy, your metabolism isn't burning calories, and your weight loss might be affected. Your overall performance may be affected as well, like brain functions and so on, because you don't have the nutrients you need.

    That's my take on the matter. :smile:
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Yes this is definetly going to impact your weight loss and not in a good way.. When you don't eat your metabolism slows down to conserve energy. This is your body's natural defense against starvation. You need to eat to lose weight. Also your body will use protein (aka muscle ) for energy in starvation mode before fat because it burns faster. This is an extreme scenario, but the bottom line is you need to fuel your body every few hours.
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