hello all

Hey all I am new to this. I'm. 31 father of two children. An I am at a cross roads in my life. I'm severly overweight ill admit an I am a police officer. I'm strong as an oxe but have the endurance of a slug. I need to make changes an I saw a friend of mine whom I havent' seen but he looked amazing. An he advised he was on here everyday an I downloaded the app. An here I a

My family has a history of heart issues an diabetes run in my family. I don't know but today I realized I need to be around for a long long time an wanna be around for my grandchildren if I ever have any but that's down the road but I wanna be there. So I amhere looking for friends to help along this journey. An anyone whom has. Been on for a while love to hear ur feed back on this. Thank you an this should be a wonderful journey cause I'm looking for a new me.


  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Welcome! I am 32 and also a parent of 2 children...my first bit of advice? Get a new picture and get rid of the cat:laugh:

    Really though, welcome and friend me if you'd like...I'm a very honest person, so if you can't handle the truth, you may want to pass.:wink:
  • rosesigil
    rosesigil Posts: 105 Member

    I love your handsome cat! And welcome to you too! You can friend me if you want. I'm on here logging my food and exercise evry night.:flowerforyou: