Desperate and in need of some MAJOR motivation...



  • Marie31450
    Marie31450 Posts: 96 Member
    You can do this! All you need is the desire to change. Take small steps..healthy changes become healthy habits. Take it real slow , maybe 15 minute walks or water aerobics .. MFP is a great source of support and logging your food each day keeps you accountable! Feel free to add me if you need support! I'm on every day!
  • Nacho12
    Nacho12 Posts: 164 Member
    Don't give up. I have been unmotivated before and know the feeling. Just start making a few steps at a time. Maybe make yourself go to the gym and have a small workout. Figure out what a good amount of food for you to eat and try doing it for one day. If you find it isn't that hard for one day, maybe you will go on to the next day. You will be surprised how fast you get results. Keep logging
    on every day, that will keep you accountable. Also, check out the success stories under community. There are inspiring stories of
    people just like you and a lot of times there are before and after photos. You can do it! Good luck!
  • Brianna72994
    I added you!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Don't give up. You CAN do it! I started in March of this year at 338 pounds, and I am currently at 230. I still have a way to go, but I feel like a new person. I also had a lot of knee pain, but it has gotten sooo much better. Very rarely do I even have a twinge from one of my knees now. I think that is partially because of the weight loss, and partially because I am more active and have better leg muscles to support my knees.

    It is very overwhelming at first, when you have so much to lose. You feel like it is so much you will never get there. But just set small goals, and keep going. The couple of pounds here and there do add up, and it will be so worth it.
  • albelite
    albelite Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, my name is Sue, NEVER give up hope.......I am 61 and was 25 stone (14 lbs to the stone) I lost 9 stone and over three years have gained 4stone back on...............this is taking its toll on my health...knee problem, arthritis, lower back pain and like you hurts to shower and everyday tasks I need to do, your story feels so familiar. I started my new diet on the 19th and using this app which I find awsome I have lost 11 lbs and feeling so much happier, this is a lovely way of connecting to people with the same problem as myself..I class myself as a compulsive overeater which is an addiction but a day a time I am trying to get through it. I am swimming now and this is a brilliant way to burn calories and speed your metabolism so consider that as it does not hurt any joints and theraputic, hope to hear back from you sometime. Good look Sue
  • Nanook8
    Nanook8 Posts: 33 Member
    Hoping you just keep trying each day, one day at a time! Change will happen as you change what you eat. I encourage you to eat the perimeter of the grocery store: fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, some dairy, some frozen vegetables, lean means. Fill yourself up on the vegetables! There are so many and so many different ways to prepare them healthily. Healthy eating will remove lots of inflammations from your body/joints and you will be amazed at how much relief you feel! You CAN do this!
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    Sorry you're in a funk! Looks like there's a lot of people to help motivate you!.
    I believe you can do it if you want it bad enough. I'm sending a friend request :)
  • allenrichardparker
    Hey you sound like you have had a tough time, im 21 and in the military so i know how it feels to struggle. I was blown up in Afghanistan about a year ago and after recovering from the leg and brain injuries i was told if i ever ran or did any activity that elevated my heart rate too high it would cause blood vessles to burst and i would die. Well i went from a lean 190lb young man to 230 in about 3 months due to depression amd comfort eating among other things. I finally decided to say screw the doctors and screw the taliban for causing me this level of depression and i started small with walking on a treadmill for an hour a day. I felt rediculious because id been a soldier who did an incredible amount of physical training my first few years in and now i was struggling to walk a mile. I finally got into such a determined state i began to go to the gym daily for an hour as work permitted then i increased my workout intensity till i lost 10lbs over approximately a month and began to run again and use the elliptical as well. To make a long story short i got into healthy eating and escalated to doing Insanity (did it slowly and it still works) and after 3 months i was back to 207lbs and then depression hit with PTSD issues and family health issues and i went to comfort currently back at 229 and have decided enough is enough. Ive seen myself do it and its not hard but im determined to be happy with myself and i know that if i can do it you can too. Dont let failure cross your mind, tell yourself daily that you will push past the pain you feel because no results will come without effort and you need to show yourself that your a strong woman who is capable of Incredible things when you put your mind to it. Eat healthy and go to the gym because you literally cant fail if you make the effort to improve your health. :)
  • Amazonbella
    Recumbent Bikes are wonderful for people with knee issues. I've had surgery on my right knee (volleyball injury) and still need it on my left knee (I didn't have insurance to get that taken care of yet) through all of that the recumbent bike and walking flat on the treadmill was the exercises that kept the weight coming off. Now that I have the additional ankle injury I still find walking flat on the treadmill a good workout. My doctor told me to avoid incline. Here's the best thing to remember, you don't have to start off doing 2 hours at a gym. If you decided to walk around your neighborhood and keep adding distance as it gets easier do that instead of watching the time. If you like to know how long, just add time in 5 min. increments. Trust me I am impatient and I have lost large amounts of weight really fast when I was more phsyically able, and now I can't and have to take each day based on how my knees or ankle feel, if that means 15 min. at least it's something more than doing nothing! Celebrate the small accomplishments and eventually you will reach your goals! :)
  • walkingforward
    walkingforward Posts: 174 Member
    Hey there ... getting it out of your system talking about it like you have is a great start.

    I am publicly declaring for myself....

    "decision made ... I have just gained my last kg of fat from 'not caring', 'complacency', 'excuses', 'limits', etc. I am not at the 136kg I used to be 2 years ago, but at 111kg, that is enough ! Time to get back to 100kg" - this I just posted on my facebook and will post publicly on MFP too.

    This is my 3rd account and would be 3rd time 'back in the ring'.

    I always welcome new friends. I find giving motivation to others self-motivating so that's why I like it here.

    All the best with the new life you are making for yourself.